New Purchase Request


This section will guide you through adding a new purchase request into the HelpSTAR system.  This functionality can be used to purchase new assets such as computers, office furniture, office supplies, etc.





1. Ribbon Toolbar:





Automatic Email Update























2. General Information:






3. Importance:




·  Internal Priority: Requests priority as determined by the dispatcher. Levels of priority are as follows:




4. Scheduling:





5. Current Location:










6. Purchasing Status:





7. Memo:








8. Product Order Listing:


The "Product” drop-down field allows you to request products.  After choosing a product, the requester can edit the "Quantity".  You will have the option of selecting an "Urgency" and "Due By" date that are specific to this product. The requester can also enter a "Memo" (optional) for this particular product.  You can repeat the process if you wish to request additional products by clicking on the line below the last line completed line.

Once you have entered all the Purchase Order information, click on the Save button in the Quick Access toolbar.

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See Also:

Approve Purchase Requests

Declined Purchase Requests

Ordered Purchase Requests

Receive Purchase Orders

How HelpSTAR Works