Once you have run the Import Utility, you can save settings for a future import. You can also integrate Windows Task Scheduler to run the import on a scheduled basis. Import Settings that can be saved are:
Your Source File location
Import Type (users or assets)
Mapped Fields
To save your Import Settings, perform the following:
Upon your first import, select a source file to import into HelpSTAR.
Map the source file fields to HelpSTAR’s object properties.
Once you click on Next, you will receive the following prompt. Click Yes to save settings.
You will then be asked to selection a location of your Import Settings file. It will be saved in XML format. Once a name is entered, click on Save to use this file for future use.
Once your Import Settings are saved, we can use this XML to configure a scheduled import.
Once you have an Import Settings file available, you can set a schedule on your Import. From this point, you can cancel your current Import Utility session or continue with a manual import.
You must first create a BATCH file that will be run when scheduling the import. In Notepad, create a file with the following script:
{Import Utility EXE file location} "/username:{HelpSTAR User Login}" "/password:{HelpSTAR Password}" "/MappingFilePath:{File Path for Import Settings Files created in Part 1}"
Sample File:
Once your file is complete, save with an .bat extension.
Open Task Scheduler by clicking on Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Task Scheduler.
Under Action items, select Create Basic Task. The wizard will open:
Enter a name and description for this task. Click on Next to proceed.
Under Trigger, set a schedule of how often you would like this task to run. Click on Next to proceed.
Under Action, select the Start a Program option. Click on Next to continue.
Under Start a Program, select the BATCH file created in Part 2. Click on Next to view a summary of this task.
Under Finish, you will view a summary of the task you have just created. Click on Finish to complete creating this scheduled task.
When you scheduled import runs, you may see the following command prompt run on your machine:
See Also:
Adding a New Organizational Unit
Back up Your HelpSTAR Database