Query Designer


The Query Designer allows you to create a custom query to extract a list data from HelpSTAR based on custom filter criteria that you set.




1. Ribbon Toolbar:

















Column Order:





Note:  The order that items are listed in the "Query fields and conditions” section is the same order that query results will be displayed.



Preview Pane:



This section allows you to select how you would like to view the Query List (grid) and the Query Detail.  You can select from the following:














2. Request Field Selection:



This section allows you to select database fields which you would like to define criteria to filter information.



To query requests by a certain status, you would check the "Status" option.  Then, in the "Query Fields and Conditions" section, you would further specify which status you would like to query on.



3. Design and Preview:


Design Query Tab:



This section displays the database fields you selected in the "Tree-view of Database Fields" section, and allows you to select the following options:




If you changed Status to "State", it would only be reflected in the "Query Results" title bar.











First sort by Time Logged, then sort by Status.









Status is not equal to Closed

Status is equal to In Service



Preview Tab:



Select this tab to view a listing of all requests that meet the conditions you set.  This will help you see if you have set up your query correctly.  This section contains 2 distinct work areas:




This section contains two tabs:




An example of a query that you can create


If you would like to see all requests (Service and Purchase Requests) that are currently active and were created from a user in your Tech Support Organizational Unit, you would select the following in the Tree-view of Database Fields:



In the "Query fields and conditions" section, for status, select the following criteria:



AND/OR Operators:



Note: The selection Type is set to "OR" rather than "AND".  This is because the request cannot be In Dispatch, AND In Queue, AND In Service.  The request can only be in one of these states.  If you were to select the "AND" operator in this example, your query would contain no results.  It is not possible for a request to meet that criteria.


The way this query is set up so far, your result set will only display the Organizational Unit Name of the Requester, and the state the request is in (shown below).


If you wanted to view more information in the output from your query, you could select further options (shown below), and set no criteria for them.



In this case, we have added in Ref#, and Title (shown below).



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See Also:


Dashboard Designer


Custom Reports