ServicePRO SDK Help

clsConstant Fields

The clsConstant type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public field Static member _csConSuffix
The _CS con suffix
Public field Static member _csDomSuffix
The _CS DOM suffix
Public field Static member _csGPSuffix
The _CS gp suffix
Public field Static member _csOUSuffix
The _CS ou suffix
Public field Static member _csROOTSuffix
The _CS root suffix
Public field Static member _csUSRSuffix
The _CS usr suffix
Public field Static member AccessCode
The access code
Public field Static member AttachmentIdentifierConcatinationChar
The attachment identifier concatination character
Public field Static member AttachmentUploadChunk
The attachment upload chunk
Public field Static member AUDITSERVICEID
The auditserviceid
Public field Static member AutomaticId
The automatic identifier
Public field Static member BestSolutionRatingReviewsDetail
Public field Static member BusinessRule_Update_Trace
The business rule_ update_ trace
Public field Static member BUSINESSRULEID
The businessruleid
Public field Static member c_sNodeKey_Inbox
The C_S node key_ inbox
Public field Static member c_sNodeKey_InDispatch
The C_S node key_ in dispatch
Public field Static member c_sNodeKey_InQueue
The C_S node key_ in queue
Public field Static member c_sNodeKey_InService
The C_S node key_ in service
Public field Static member c_sNodeKey_MyResp
The C_S node key_ my resp
Public field Static member c_sNodeKey_WorkSpace
The C_S node key_ work space
Public field Static member CalendarFolder
The calendar folder
Public field Static member CATEGORYDELETEDID
The categorydeletedid
Public field Static member cInDispatchKey
The c in dispatch key
Public field Static member cInServiceKey
The c in service key
Public field Static member colrAlarm
The colr alarm
Public field Static member colrCritical
The colr critical
Public field Static member colrExplorer
The colr explorer
Public field Static member colrHigh
The colr high
Public field Static member colrLow
The colr low
Public field Static member colrMain
The colr main
Public field Static member colrMedium
The colr medium
Public field Static member colrNone
The colr none
Public field Static member colrWhite
The colr white
The communicationerrorsleepinterval
Public field Static member Const_Waiting_For_Response
The const_ waiting_ for_ response
Public field Static member constAppointmentContextualTabCaption
The constant appointment contextual tab caption
Public field Static member constDocumentContextualTabCaption
The constant document contextual tab caption
Public field Static member constDocumentPaneCaption
The constant document pane caption
Public field Static member constNodeKeyAlarm
The constant node key alarm
Public field Static member constNodeKeyAssetAllocation
The constant node key asset allocation
Public field Static member constNodeKeyAssetCostDetail
The constant node key asset cost detail
Public field Static member constNodeKeyAssetCostSummary
The constant node key asset cost summary
Public field Static member constNodeKeyAssetReports
The constant node key asset reports
Public field Static member constNodeKeyAssetSupport
The constant node key asset support
Public field Static member constNodeKeyBilling
The constant node key billing
Public field Static member constNodeKeyCompanyListing
The constant node key company listing
Public field Static member constNodeKeyDepartmentListing
The constant node key department listing
Public field Static member constNodeKeyDetailedWork
The constant node key detailed work
Public field Static member constNodeKeyEfficiency
The constant node key efficiency
Public field Static member constNodeKeyLineItemSummary
The constant node key line item summary
Public field Static member constNodeKeyListing
The constant node key listing
Public field Static member constNodeKeyMemo
The constant node key memo
Public field Static member constNodeKeyPriority
The constant node key priority
Public field Static member constNodeKeyProblemTypeListing
The constant node key problem type listing
Public field Static member constNodeKeyQueue
The constant node key queue
Public field Static member constNodeKeyQueueListing
The constant node key queue listing
Public field Static member constNodeKeyReports
The constant node key reports
Public field Static member constNodeKeyRequester
The constant node key requester
Public field Static member constNodeKeyRoot
The constant node key root
Public field Static member constNodeKeyServiceRequestType
The constant node key service request type
Public field Static member constNodeKeyServiceStatistics
The constant node key service statistics
Public field Static member constNodeKeySummary
The constant node key summary
Public field Static member constNodeKeySupportRep
The constant node key support rep
Public field Static member constNodeKeySupportRepListing
The constant node key support rep listing
Public field Static member constNodeKeyTimesheet
The constant node key timesheet
Public field Static member constNodeKeyTimeStatistics
The constant node key time statistics
Public field Static member constNodeKeyUserListing
The constant node key user listing
Public field Static member constNodeKeyUserSatifaction
The constant node key user satifaction
Public field Static member constNodeKeyUserStatisfaction
The constant node key user statisfaction
Public field Static member constSearchAssets
The constant search assets
Public field Static member constSearchBestSoln
The constant search best soln
Public field Static member constSearchDocuments
The constant search documents
Public field Static member constSearchEmailInbox
The constant search email inbox
Public field Static member constSearchEmailsCommunications
The constant search emails communications
Public field Static member constSearchList
The constant search list
Public field Static member constSearchServiceRequests
The constant search service requests
Public field Static member constSearchSuggestedSoln
The constant search suggested soln
Public field Static member constViewSettings
The constant view settings
Public field Static member CriteriaHint
The criteria hint
Public field Static member CustomerServiceEmail
The customer service email
Public field Static member DateOnlyColumns
Public field Static member Default_DatagramURLPrefix
The default_ datagram URL prefix
Public field Static member Default_RegisterPageInterTransferCtrl
The default_ register page inter transfer control
Public field Static member Default_RegisterPageInterTransferCtrl_TD
The default_ register page inter transfer CTRL_ td
Public field Static member DefaultHomeCulture
Public field Static member DefaultPassword
The default password
Public field Static member DefaultUserName
The default user name
Public field Static member DefautlTheme
The defautl theme
Public field Static member DiscoveredItemQueryCSVTemplate
The discovered item query CSV template
Public field Static member DiscoveredItemQueryReportTemplate
The discovered item query report template
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ al l_ wellknow n_ sids
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ anonymous
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ authenticate d_ user
Public field Static member DSOP_DOWNLEVEL_FILTER_BATCH
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ batch
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ computers
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ creato r_ group
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ creato r_ owner
Public field Static member DSOP_DOWNLEVEL_FILTER_DIALUP
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ dialup
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ exclud e_ builti n_ groups
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ globa l_ groups
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ interactive
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ loca l_ groups
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ loca l_ service
Public field Static member DSOP_DOWNLEVEL_FILTER_NETWORK
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ network
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ networ k_ service
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ remot e_ logon
Public field Static member DSOP_DOWNLEVEL_FILTER_SERVICE
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ service
Public field Static member DSOP_DOWNLEVEL_FILTER_SYSTEM
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ system
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ termina l_ server
Public field Static member DSOP_DOWNLEVEL_FILTER_USERS
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ users
Public field Static member DSOP_DOWNLEVEL_FILTER_WORLD
The dso p_ downleve l_ filte r_ world
Public field Static member EncryptLicFile
The encrypt lic file
Public field Static member FieldFolderImage
The field folder image
Public field Static member FieldFolderSelectedImage
The field folder selected image
Public field Static member FieldImage
The field image
Public field Static member FieldKeyPrefix
The field key prefix
Public field Static member FieldSelectedImage
The field selected image
Public field Static member FieldSeparator
The field separator
Public field Static member FieldValueSeparator
The field value separator
Public field Static member fldAlarm
The field alarm
Public field Static member fldCritical
The field critical
Public field Static member fldExplorer
The field explorer
Public field Static member fldHigh
The field high
Public field Static member fldHistory
The field history
Public field Static member fldLow
The field low
Public field Static member fldMain
The field main
Public field Static member fldMedium
The field medium
Public field Static member fldMy
The field my
Public field Static member fldNone
The field none
Public field Static member fldRequest
The field request
Public field Static member fldStartup
The field startup
Public field Static member FOLLOWUP_TRACE
The followu p_ trace
Public field Static member GlobalActivationId
The global activation identifier
Public field Static member GroupImage
The group image
Public field Static member GroupKeyPrefix
The group key prefix
Public field Static member GroupSelectedImage
The group selected image
Public field Static member GUESTID
The guestid
Public field Static member HasFullTextSearch
Public field Static member HelpSTARAuditService
The help star audit service
Public field Static member HelpSTARCalendarInteService
The help star calendar inte service
Public field Static member HelpSTARRuleService
The help star rule service
Public field Static member HelpSTARStarWatchService
The help star star watch service
Public field Static member HS_Access_Code_100
The h s_ access_ code_100
Public field Static member HS_Access_Code_110
The h s_ access_ code_110
Public field Static member HS_Access_Code_120
The h s_ access_ code_120
Public field Static member HS_Access_Code_130
The h s_ access_ code_130
Public field Static member HS_Access_Code_90
The h s_ access_ code_90
Public field Static member HS_Appointment
The h s_ appointment
Public field Static member HS_AttachmentLazyFTCatalogFileName
The h s_ attachment lazy ft catalog file name
Public field Static member hs_BaseHTM
The HS_ base HTM
Public field Static member HS_Boolean_False
The h s_ boolean_ false
Public field Static member HS_Boolean_True
The h s_ boolean_ true
Public field Static member hs_br_system_isnew
The hs_br_system_isnew
Public field Static member hs_br_system_priority
The hs_br_system_priority
Public field Static member HS_Calendar
The h s_ calendar
Public field Static member HS_CGIExeFor
The h s_ cgi executable for
Public field Static member HS_CGIExeForCS
The h s_ cgi executable for cs
Public field Static member HS_CGIExeForDE
The h s_ cgi executable for de
Public field Static member Hs_Copyright
The HS_ copyright
Public field Static member HS_Database_DataFileName
The h s_ database_ data file name
Public field Static member HS_Database_LogFileName
The h s_ database_ log file name
Public field Static member HS_DateRangeLastMonth
The h s_ date range last month
Public field Static member HS_DateRangeLastWeek
The h s_ date range last week
Public field Static member HS_DateRangeLastYear
The h s_ date range last year
Public field Static member HS_DateRangeThisMonth
The h s_ date range this month
Public field Static member HS_DateRangeThisWeek
The h s_ date range this week
Public field Static member HS_DateRangeThisYear
The h s_ date range this year
Public field Static member HS_DateRangeToday
The h s_ date range today
Public field Static member HS_DateRangeYesterday
The h s_ date range yesterday
Public field Static member HS_EDU_How_ToDemo
The h s_ ed u_ how_ to demo
Public field Static member HS_Evaluators_Guide
The h s_ evaluators_ guide
Public field Static member HS_FOLLOWUP_TRACE
The h s_ followu p_ trace
Public field Static member HS_GridPageSize
The h s_ grid page size
Public field Static member HS_GridPageSizeMobile
The page size to load data on mobile device
Public field Static member hs_ImportFields_OU
The HS_ import fields_ ou
Public field Static member hs_ImportUtility_OU
The HS_ import utility_ ou
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Afrikaans
The HS_ language code_ afrikaans
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Albanian
The HS_ language code_ albanian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Arabic
The HS_ language code_ arabic
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Basque
The HS_ language code_ basque
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Belarusian
The HS_ language code_ belarusian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Bulgarian
The HS_ language code_ bulgarian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Catalan
The HS_ language code_ catalan
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Chinese
The HS_ language code_ chinese
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Croatian
The HS_ language code_ croatian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Czech
The HS_ language code_ czech
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Danish
The HS_ language code_ danish
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Dutch
The HS_ language code_ dutch
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_English
The HS_ language code_ english
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Estonian
The HS_ language code_ estonian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Faeroese
The HS_ language code_ faeroese
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Farsi
The HS_ language code_ farsi
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Finnish
The HS_ language code_ finnish
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_French
The HS_ language code_ french
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_FYRO
The HS_ language code_ fyro
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Gaelic
The HS_ language code_ gaelic
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_German
The HS_ language code_ german
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Greek
The HS_ language code_ greek
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Hebrew
The HS_ language code_ hebrew
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Hindi
The HS_ language code_ hindi
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Hungarian
The HS_ language code_ hungarian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Icelandic
The HS_ language code_ icelandic
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Indonesian
The HS_ language code_ indonesian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Italian
The HS_ language code_ italian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Japanese
The HS_ language code_ japanese
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Korean
The HS_ language code_ korean
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Latvian
The HS_ language code_ latvian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Lithuanian
The HS_ language code_ lithuanian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Malaysian
The HS_ language code_ malaysian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Maltese
The HS_ language code_ maltese
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Norwegian
The HS_ language code_ norwegian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Polish
The HS_ language code_ polish
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Portuguese
The HS_ language code_ portuguese
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Rhaeto
The HS_ language code_ rhaeto
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Romanian
The HS_ language code_ romanian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Russian
The HS_ language code_ russian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Sami
The HS_ language code_ sami
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Serbian
The HS_ language code_ serbian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Slovak
The HS_ language code_ slovak
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Slovenian
The HS_ language code_ slovenian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Sorbian
The HS_ language code_ sorbian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Spanish
The HS_ language code_ spanish
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Sutu
The HS_ language code_ sutu
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Swedish
The HS_ language code_ swedish
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Thai
The HS_ language code_ thai
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Tsonga
The HS_ language code_ tsonga
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Tswana
The HS_ language code_ tswana
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Turkish
The HS_ language code_ turkish
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Ukrainian
The HS_ language code_ ukrainian
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Urdu
The HS_ language code_ urdu
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Venda
The HS_ language code_ venda
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Vietnamese
The HS_ language code_ vietnamese
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Xhosa
The HS_ language code_ xhosa
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Yiddish
The HS_ language code_ yiddish
Public field Static member hs_LanguageCode_Zulu
The HS_ language code_ zulu
Public field Static member HS_Main_DatabaseKey
The h s_ main_ database key
Public field Static member HS_Meeting
The h s_ meeting
Public field Static member HS_MEETINGMESSAGE_TRACE
The h s_ meetingmessag e_ trace
Public field Static member HS_MemoLazyFTCatalogFileName
The h s_ memo lazy ft catalog file name
Public field Static member HS_MemoMediumDateFormat
The h s_ memo medium date format
Public field Static member hs_MSSQLSERVER_ServiceName
The HS_ mssqlserve r_ service name
Public field Static member hs_MSSQLSERVER_ServiceName2K5
The HS_ mssqlserve r_ service name2 k5
Public field Static member hs_MSSQLSERVERAgent_ServiceName
The HS_ mssqlserver agent_ service name
Public field Static member hs_MSSQLSERVERAgent_ServiceName2K5
The HS_ mssqlserver agent_ service name2 k5
Public field Static member hs_MyViewsGroupDescription
The HS_ my views group description
Public field Static member hs_MyViewsGroupName
The HS_ my views group name
Public field Static member hs_NWDT_MaxNoOfHopsAllowed
The HS_ NWD t_ maximum no of hops allowed
Public field Static member hs_NWDT_TimeOut
The HS_ NWD t_ time out
Public field Static member HS_PurchaseRequestType
The h s_ purchase request type
Public field Static member HS_QuickMessage
The h s_ quick message
The h s_ quickmessag e_ documentcheckedi n_ trace
The h s_ quickmessag e_ documentwaitingforcheckou t_ trace
Public field Static member HS_QUICKMESSAGE_TRACE
The h s_ quickmessag e_ trace
Public field Static member HS_QuickMessageMemo
The h s_ quick message memo
Public field Static member HS_Reg_Key_Exe
The h s_ reg_ key_ executable
Public field Static member HS_Rule
The h s_ rule
Public field Static member HS_Rulename
The h s_ rulename
Public field Static member Hs_SEMainRibbon_Title
The HS_ se main ribbon_ title
Public field Static member HS_SQLNTRoleConstant
The h s_ SQLNT role constant
Public field Static member HS_StandardRequestType
The h s_ standard request type
Public field Static member HS_STARWATCH_HELP_NAME
The h s_ starwatc h_ hel p_ name
Public field Static member HS_StarWatchName
The h s_ star watch name
Public field Static member HS_StarWatchServiceName
The h s_ star watch service name
Public field Static member HS_StrAsset
The h s_ string asset
Public field Static member HS_StrAttachment
The h s_ string attachment
Public field Static member HS_StrBestSolution
The h s_ string best solution
Public field Static member HS_StrCategory
The h s_ string category
Public field Static member HS_StrCompany
The h s_ string company
Public field Static member HS_StrDepartment
The h s_ string department
Public field Static member HS_StrEmail
The h s_ string email
Public field Static member HS_StrEncryptedAttachment
The h s_ string encrypted attachment
Public field Static member HS_StrProduct
The h s_ string product
Public field Static member HS_StrPurchaseOrder
The h s_ string purchase order
Public field Static member HS_StrQueue
The h s_ string queue
Public field Static member HS_StrRemoveBestSolution
The h s_ string remove best solution
Public field Static member HS_StrRole
The h s_ string role
Public field Static member HS_StrTeam
The h s_ string team
Public field Static member HS_StrUser
The h s_ string user
Public field Static member HS_StrWorkstation
The h s_ string workstation
Public field Static member Hs_TDMainRibbon_Title
The HS_ td main ribbon_ title
Public field Static member hs_TeamStartingId
The HS_ team starting identifier
Public field Static member HS_TimeFormat
The h s_ time format
Public field Static member HS_UpdateExe
The h s_ update executable
Public field Static member HS_URLRedirectionPrefix
The h s_ URL redirection prefix
Public field Static member HS_URLStarter
The h s_ URL starter
Public field Static member HS_UserDefined_PreFix
The h s_ user defined_ pre fix
Public field Static member HS_UserDefined_Table_PreFix
The h s_ user defined_ table_ pre fix
Public field Static member HS_UserDefinedType_ClientASAPSupportCompany
The h s_ user defined type_ client asap support company
Public field Static member HS_UserDefinedType_DefaultCompany
The h s_ user defined type_ default company
Public field Static member HS_UserDefinedType_EvaluatorCompany
The h s_ user defined type_ evaluator company
Public field Static member HS_Version_Number
The h s_ version_ number
Public field Static member HS_Version_Number_Latest
The h s_ version_ number_ latest
Public field Static member Hs_Version_Year
The HS_ version_ year
Public field Static member HS_VersionID
The h s_ version identifier
Public field Static member HS_VersionID_100
The h s_ version i D_100
Public field Static member HS_VersionID_110
The h s_ version i D_110
Public field Static member HS_VersionID_120
The h s_ version i D_120
Public field Static member HS_VersionID_130
The h s_ version i D_130
Public field Static member HS_VersionID_90
The h s_ version i D_90
Public field Static member HS_WindowsTabAmpersand
The h s_ windows tab ampersand
Public field Static member HS_WorkstationReport
The h s_ workstation report
Public field Static member HsAdvtDGURL
The hs advt dgurl
Public field Static member HsAdvtDGURLConfirmation
The hs advt dgurl confirmation
Public field Static member HsAndString
The hs and string
Public field Static member hsASP_CDKEY_HelpDeskCRMXP
The hs as p_ cdke y_ help desk CRMXP
Public field Static member hsASP_CDKEY_HelpDeskHDXP
The hs as p_ cdke y_ help desk HDXP
Public field Static member hsASP_Product_HelpDeskCRMXP
The hs as p_ product_ help desk CRMXP
Public field Static member hsASP_Product_HelpDeskXP
The hs as p_ product_ help desk xp
Public field Static member hsASP_Product_HelpDeskXP_Basic
The hs as p_ product_ help desk x p_ basic
Public field Static member hsASP_Product_HelpDeskXP_Enhanced
The hs as p_ product_ help desk x p_ enhanced
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_Basic
The hs ASP charge_ basic
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_Basic_Text
The hs ASP charge_ basic_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMPakReq0_Text
The hs ASP charge_ CRM pak req0_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMPakReq100_Text
The hs ASP charge_ CRM pak req100_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMPakReq20_Text
The hs ASP charge_ CRM pak req20_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMPakReq50_Text
The hs ASP charge_ CRM pak req50_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMPakReq500_Text
The hs ASP charge_ CRM pak req500_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMRegular0M_Text
The hs ASP charge_ CRM regular0 m_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMRegular12M
The hs ASP charge_ CRM regular12 m
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMRegular12M_Text
The hs ASP charge_ CRM regular12 m_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMRegular1M
The hs ASP charge_ CRM regular1 m
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMRegular1M_Text
The hs ASP charge_ CRM regular1 m_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMRegular3M
The hs ASP charge_ CRM regular3 m
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMRegular3M_Text
The hs ASP charge_ CRM regular3 m_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMRegular6M
The hs ASP charge_ CRM regular6 m
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMRegular6M_Text
The hs ASP charge_ CRM regular6 m_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMReqPak100
The hs ASP charge_ CRM req pak100
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMReqPak20
The hs ASP charge_ CRM req pak20
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMReqPak50
The hs ASP charge_ CRM req pak50
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMReqPak500
The hs ASP charge_ CRM req pak500
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMSignUp
The hs ASP charge_ CRM sign up
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_CRMSignUp_Text
The hs ASP charge_ CRM sign up_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_Enhanced
The hs ASP charge_ enhanced
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_Enhanced_Text
The hs ASP charge_ enhanced_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_FundAdded_Text
The hs ASP charge_ fund added_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_RepAddBasic_Text
The hs ASP charge_ rep add basic_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_RepAddEnhance_Text
The hs ASP charge_ rep add enhance_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_RepDelBasic_Text
The hs ASP charge_ rep delete basic_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_RepDelEnhance_Text
The hs ASP charge_ rep delete enhance_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_Request0
The hs ASP charge_ request0
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_Request0_Text
The hs ASP charge_ request0_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_Request100
The hs ASP charge_ request100
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_Request100_Text
The hs ASP charge_ request100_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_Request50
The hs ASP charge_ request50
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_Request50_Text
The hs ASP charge_ request50_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_Request500
The hs ASP charge_ request500
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_Request500_Text
The hs ASP charge_ request500_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_Request500Plus
The hs ASP charge_ request500 plus
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_Request500Plus_Text
The hs ASP charge_ request500 plus_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_SignUp
The hs ASP charge_ sign up
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_SignUp_Text
The hs ASP charge_ sign up_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_SmallBusiness_Text
The hs ASP charge_ small business_ text
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_SmallBusinessPackage
The hs ASP charge_ small business package
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_SmallBusinessRep
The hs ASP charge_ small business rep
Public field Static member hsASPCharge_SmallBusinessWebI
The hs ASP charge_ small business web i
Public field Static member hsASPConsumptionPatternDay
The hs ASP consumption pattern day
Public field Static member hsASPConsumptionWarningDays
The hs ASP consumption warning days
Public field Static member hsASPCRMDatabaseVersion
The hs aspcrm database version
Public field Static member hsASPCRMFreeRequest
The hs aspcrm free request
Public field Static member hsASPCRMGraceDays
The hs aspcrm grace days
Public field Static member hsASPCRMMailSignature
The hs aspcrm mail signature
Public field Static member hsASPCRMMonthSlabs_0
The hs aspcrm month slabs_0
Public field Static member hsASPCRMMonthSlabs_1
The hs aspcrm month slabs_1
Public field Static member hsASPCRMMonthSlabs_12
The hs aspcrm month slabs_12
Public field Static member hsASPCRMMonthSlabs_3
The hs aspcrm month slabs_3
Public field Static member hsASPCRMMonthSlabs_6
The hs aspcrm month slabs_6
Public field Static member hsASPCRMPrivUsers
The hs aspcrm priv users
Public field Static member hsASPCRMRequestSlabs_0
The hs aspcrm request slabs_0
Public field Static member hsASPCRMRequestSlabs_100
The hs aspcrm request slabs_100
Public field Static member hsASPCRMRequestSlabs_20
The hs aspcrm request slabs_20
Public field Static member hsASPCRMRequestSlabs_50
The hs aspcrm request slabs_50
Public field Static member hsASPCRMRequestSlabs_500
The hs aspcrm request slabs_500
Public field Static member hsASPCRMServiceAccount
The hs aspcrm service account
Public field Static member hsASPCRMServiceAccountName
The hs aspcrm service account name
Public field Static member hsASPDatabaseVersion
The hs ASP database version
Public field Static member hsASPDaysB4AccountInactivated
The hs ASP days b4 account inactivated
Public field Static member hsASPFreeRep_SmallBusincee
The hs ASP free rep_ small busincee
Public field Static member hsASPFreeRequest_Basic
The hs ASP free request_ basic
Public field Static member hsASPFreeRequest_Enhanced
The hs ASP free request_ enhanced
Public field Static member hsASPLeaseExtenstion_SmallBusincee
The hs ASP lease extenstion_ small busincee
Public field Static member hsASPMailSignature
The hs ASP mail signature
Public field Static member hsASPMaxLicensableDays
The hs ASP maximum licensable days
Public field Static member hsASPNegativeBalanceExtDays
The hs ASP negative balance ext days
Public field Static member hsASPRenewalReminder
The hs ASP renewal reminder
Public field Static member hsASPRequestSlabs_0
The hs ASP request slabs_0
Public field Static member hsASPRequestSlabs_100
The hs ASP request slabs_100
Public field Static member hsASPRequestSlabs_50
The hs ASP request slabs_50
Public field Static member hsASPRequestSlabs_500
The hs ASP request slabs_500
Public field Static member hsASPServiceAccount
The hs ASP service account
Public field Static member hsASPServiceAccountName
The hs ASP service account name
Public field Static member HsCheckUpdateMode
The hs check update mode
Public field Static member HsChoreografDashboard
The hs choreograf dashboard
Public field Static member hsClearMAPISession
The hs clear mapi session
Public field Static member hsConfig_AppointmentAgentScanInterval
The hs config_ appointment agent scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_AppointmentScanInterval
The hs config_ appointment scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_Attribute_Account
The hs config_ attribute_ account
Public field Static member hsConfig_Attribute_ConnectionString
The hs config_ attribute_ connection string
Public field Static member hsConfig_Attribute_Email
The hs config_ attribute_ email
Public field Static member hsConfig_Attribute_EventLogName
The hs config_ attribute_ event log name
Public field Static member hsConfig_Attribute_FilePath
The hs config_ attribute_ file path
Public field Static member hsConfig_Attribute_password
The hs config_ attribute_password
Public field Static member hsConfig_Attribute_ReceiverEmail
The hs config_ attribute_ receiver email
Public field Static member hsConfig_Attribute_ReceiverName
The hs config_ attribute_ receiver name
Public field Static member hsConfig_Attribute_RequiresAuthentication
The hs config_ attribute_ requires authentication
Public field Static member hsConfig_Attribute_SMTPPort
The hs config_ attribute_ SMTP port
Public field Static member hsConfig_Attribute_SMTPServer
The hs config_ attribute_ SMTP server
Public field Static member hsConfig_Attribute_Subject
Public field Static member hsConfig_Attribute_Type
The hs config_ attribute_ type
Public field Static member hsConfig_AuditConfig_AuditMode
The hs config_ audit config_ audit mode
Public field Static member hsConfig_AuditConfig_FileScan
The hs config_ audit config_ file scan
Public field Static member hsConfig_AuditConfig_FileScanTimer
The hs config_ audit config_ file scan timer
Public field Static member hsConfig_Authentication
The hs config_ authentication
Public field Static member hsConfig_CdKey
The hs config_ cd key
Public field Static member hsConfig_ChartAgentScanInterval
The hs config_ chart agent scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_ChartScanInterval
The hs config_ chart scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_DatabaseName
The hs config_ database name
Public field Static member hsConfig_DatabaseTimeout
The hs config_ database timeout
Public field Static member hsConfig_DatabaseType
The hs config_ database type
Public field Static member hsConfig_DataServer
The hs config_ data server
Public field Static member hsConfig_DBBackupAgentScanInterval
The hs config_ database backup agent scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_DBBackupScanInterval
The hs config_ database backup scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_DBTimezoneAdjustmentMonitorScanInterval
Public field Static member hsConfig_DebugADSImportLoadingTreeMode
Public field Static member hsConfig_DeleteMailOnSWRequestProcessedStatus
The hs config_ delete mail on sw request processed status
Public field Static member hsConfig_Group
The hs config_ group
Public field Static member hsConfig_IntroPlayer
The hs config_ intro player
Public field Static member hsConfig_LogToDatabase
The hs config_ log to database
Public field Static member hsConfig_LogToEventLog
The hs config_ log to event log
Public field Static member hsConfig_LogToFile
The hs config_ log to file
Public field Static member hsConfig_MessageAgentScanInterval
The hs config_ message agent scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_MessageScanInterval
The hs config_ message scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_NotifyByEmail
The hs config_ notify by email
Public field Static member hsConfig_Password
The hs config_ password
Public field Static member hsConfig_ProcessAgentScanInterval
The hs config_ process agent scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_ProcessScanInterval
The hs config_ process scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_Product
The hs config_ product
Public field Static member hsConfig_ProgramDataPath
The hs config_ program data path
Public field Static member hsConfig_QueryAgentScanInterval
The hs config_Query agent scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_QueryFilter
The hs config_ query filter
Public field Static member hsConfig_QueryScanInterval
The hs config_Query scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_ReportAgentScanInterval
The hs config_ report agent scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_ReportScanInterval
The hs config_ report scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_RuleAgentScanInterval
The hs config_ rule agent scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_RuleScanInterval
The hs config_ rule scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_Section
The hs config_ section
Public field Static member hsConfig_Section_AuditServiceConfig
The hs config_ section_ audit service configuration
Public field Static member hsConfig_Section_Initialization
The hs config_ section_ initialization
Public field Static member hsConfig_ServiceAccountMode
The hs config_ service account mode
Public field Static member hsConfig_ServiceInstanceID
The hs config_ service instance identifier
Public field Static member hsConfig_ServiceMonitorScanInterval
The hs config_ service monitor scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_SessionTimeout
The hs config_ session timeout
Public field Static member hsConfig_SleepOnUnhandledError
The hs config_ sleep on unhandled error
Public field Static member hsConfig_SubProduct
The hs config_ sub product
Public field Static member hsConfig_tblAttachmentLazyPopulation
The hs config_tbl attachment lazy population
Public field Static member hsConfig_tblAttachmentLazyPopulationAgent
The hs config_tbl attachment lazy population agent
Public field Static member hsConfig_tblMemoLazyPopulation
The hs config_tbl memo lazy population
Public field Static member hsConfig_tblMemoLazyPopulationAgent
The hs config_tbl memo lazy population agent
Public field Static member hsConfig_Terminal
The hs config_ terminal
Public field Static member hsConfig_UDFSchedularScanInterval
The hs config_ udf schedular scan interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_UpdateServiceRequestStatsInterval
The hs config_ update service request stats interval
Public field Static member hsConfig_UserId
The hs config_ user identifier
Public field Static member hsConfig_UseRuleTroubleShootingTraceLog
The hs config_ use rule trouble shooting trace log
Public field Static member hsConfig_UseThread
The hs config_ use thread
Public field Static member HsConfirmationURL
The hs confirmation URL
Public field Static member hsDatabaseType_MDB
The hs database type_ MDB
Public field Static member hsDatabaseType_Oracle
The hs database type_ oracle
Public field Static member hsDatabaseType_SQL
The hs database type_ SQL
Public field Static member hsDataConfig_IntegratedSecurity
The hs data config_ integrated security
Public field Static member HSDecryptLicFile
The hs decrypt lic file
Public field Static member hsEcom_AUPFolder
The hs ecom_ aup folder
Public field Static member hsEcom_MaintenanceQueue
The hs ecom_ maintenance queue
Public field Static member hsECom_MinueteSlabs_100
The hs e com_ minuete slabs_100
Public field Static member hsECom_MinueteSlabs_200
The hs e com_ minuete slabs_200
Public field Static member hsECom_MinueteSlabs_30
The hs e com_ minuete slabs_30
Public field Static member hsECom_MinueteSlabs_500
The hs e com_ minuete slabs_500
Public field Static member hsECom_ProductSupportMinutesId
The hs e com_ product support minutes identifier
Public field Static member hsEcom_RenewalFollowupIds
The hs ecom_ renewal followup ids
Public field Static member hsEcom_SuspendQueue
The hs ecom_ suspend queue
Public field Static member hsECom_Type_ClientMaster
The hs e com_ type_ client master
Public field Static member hsECom_Type_DefaultCompany
The hs e com_ type_ default company
Public field Static member hsECom_Type_MaintenenceRenewal
The hs e com_ type_ maintenence renewal
Public field Static member hsECom_Type_Package
The hs e com_ type_ package
Public field Static member hsECom_Type_PackageItem
The hs e com_ type_ package item
Public field Static member hsECom_Type_TechSupport
The hs e com_ type_ tech support
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Client_AvailableMinutes
The hs e com_ ud f_ client_ available minutes
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Client_CCManagerLicenseCount
The hs e com_ ud f_ client_ cc manager license count
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Client_Client_Status
The hs e com_ ud f_ client_ client_ status
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Client_ClientMasterRequestNo
The hs e com_ ud f_ client_ client master request no
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Client_ContactPersonId
The hs e com_ ud f_ client_ contact person identifier
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Client_CurrentProduct
The hs e com_ ud f_ client_ current product
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Client_CurrentVersion
The hs e com_ ud f_ client_ current version
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Client_GGModularLicense
The hs e com_ ud f_ client_ gg modular license
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Client_GPrivilegedLicense
The hs e com_ ud f_ client_ g privileged license
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Client_MaintenanceExpiryDate
The hs e com_ ud f_ client_ maintenance expiry date
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Client_MTCRenewalPeriod
The hs e com_ ud f_ client_ MTC renewal period
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Client_SupportChargableDate
The hs e com_ ud f_ client_ support chargable date
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Client_TotalMinutes
The hs e com_ ud f_ client_ total minutes
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_MaintenenceRenewal_MTCExpiryDate
The hs e com_ ud f_ maintenence renewal_ MTC expiry date
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_MaintenenceRenewal_MTCNoticeSentoutDate
The hs e com_ ud f_ maintenence renewal_ MTC notice sentout date
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_MaintenenceRenewal_MTCRenewalAmount
The hs e com_ ud f_ maintenence renewal_ MTC renewal amount
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_MaintenenceRenewal_MTCRenewalDate
The hs e com_ ud f_ maintenence renewal_ MTC renewal date
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_MaintenenceRenewal_MTCRenewalPeriod
The hs e com_ ud f_ maintenence renewal_ MTC renewal period
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Package_Amount
The hs e com_ ud f_ package_ amount
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Package_ApprovalCode
The hs e com_ ud f_ package_ approval code
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Package_CardHolderName
The hs e com_ ud f_ package_ card holder name
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Package_CardNumber
The hs e com_ ud f_ package_ card number
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_Package_PaymentTxnId
The hs e com_ ud f_ package_ payment TXN identifier
Public field Static member hsECom_UDF_TechSupport_Chargable
The hs e com_ ud f_ tech support_ chargable
Public field Static member hsECom_UDFValue_ClientStatus_Maintenance
The hs e com_ udf value_ client status_ maintenance
Public field Static member hsECom_UDFValue_ClientStatus_MaintenanceSuspended
The hs e com_ udf value_ client status_ maintenance suspended
Public field Static member hsECom_UDFValue_ClientStatus_NoMaintenance
The hs e com_ udf value_ client status_ no maintenance
Public field Static member hsECom_UDFValue_ClientStatus_PupUpgradePlan
The hs e com_ udf value_ client status_ pup upgrade plan
Public field Static member hsECom_UDFValue_No
The hs e com_ udf value_ no
Public field Static member hsECom_UDFValue_Period_Quarterly
The hs e com_ udf value_ period_ quarterly
Public field Static member hsECom_UDFValue_Period_Semiannually
The hs e com_ udf value_ period_ semiannually
Public field Static member hsECom_UDFValue_Period_Yearly
The hs e com_ udf value_ period_ yearly
Public field Static member hsECom_UDFValue_Yes
The hs e com_ udf value_ yes
Public field Static member hsEComCharge_Minute100_Text
The hs e COM charge_ minute100_ text
Public field Static member hsEComCharge_Minute200_Text
The hs e COM charge_ minute200_ text
Public field Static member hsEComCharge_Minute30_Text
The hs e COM charge_ minute30_ text
Public field Static member hsEComCharge_Minute500_Text
The hs e COM charge_ minute500_ text
Public field Static member hsEComCharge_Minutes100
The hs e COM charge_ minutes100
Public field Static member hsEComCharge_Minutes200
The hs e COM charge_ minutes200
Public field Static member hsEComCharge_Minutes30
The hs e COM charge_ minutes30
Public field Static member hsEComCharge_Minutes500
The hs e COM charge_ minutes500
Public field Static member HSEncryptStringPassword
The hs encrypt string password
Public field Static member HsEndUser_RequestDetailPath
Public field Static member HsEndUser_SolutionDetailPath
Public field Static member HSEndUserPortalLoginURL
The hs end user portal login URL
Public field Static member hsEndUserWebPortalURL
The hs end user web portal URL
Public field Static member hsEventLogDefault
The hs event log default
Public field Static member hsFieldNameReplacable
The hs field name replacable
Public field Static member HsFlashQuickDemoURL
The hs flash quick demo URL
Public field Static member hsHomePageLayoutFile
The hs home page layout file
Public field Static member HSInitAssetCount
The hs initialize asset count
Public field Static member hsInLogFilePrefix
The hs in log file prefix
Public field Static member HSLatestMailCount
The hs latest mail count
Public field Static member HsLicenseURL
The hs license URL
Public field Static member hsLoggingPolicyDefault
The hs logging policy default
Public field Static member hsMailPlaceHolder_EmailAddress
The hs mail place holder_ email address
Public field Static member hsMailPlaceHolder_ErrDdescription
The hs mail place holder_ error ddescription
Public field Static member hsMailPlaceHolder_ErrNo
The hs mail place holder_ error no
Public field Static member hsMailPlaceHolder_Name
The hs mail place holder_ name
Public field Static member hsMailPlaceHolder_Ref
The hs mail place holder_ reference
Public field Static member hsMailPlaceHolder_REQID
The hs mail place holder_ reqid
Public field Static member hsMailPlaceHolder_Title
The hs mail place holder_ title
Public field Static member HSMaxInComboBox
The hs maximum in ComboBox
Public field Static member HSMaxReportRecords
The hs maximum report records
Public field Static member hsmdSeparater
The HSMD separater
Public field Static member hsNewRequestTypeProcess
The hs new request type process
Public field Static member hsOracleTimeDayToSeconds
The hs oracle time day to seconds
Public field Static member HsOrString
The hs or string
Public field Static member hsOutLogFilePrefix
The hs out log file prefix
Public field Static member HsParisURL
The hs paris URL
Public field Static member HSProgressCountMAX
The hs progress count maximum
Public field Static member hsPurgeLog
The hs purge log
Public field Static member HsRegValidationMsgMode
The hs reg validation MSG mode
Public field Static member hsSearchPhrase
Public field Static member HSSelectedProjectFolder
The hs selected project folder
Public field Static member HSServicePROInstallValidationEmail
The hs service pro install validation email
Public field Static member HSServicePROLicenseMailTag
The hs service pro license mail tag
Public field Static member HSServicePROLicenseMailTagValue
The hs service pro license mail tag value
Public field Static member HSServicePROValidateClientServiceURLMailTag
The hs service pro validate client service URL mail tag
Public field Static member HSServicePROWCFServiceUrl
The hs service prowcf service URL
Public field Static member hsSessionTimeoutDefault
The hs session timeout default
Public field Static member HsSLaSearch
The hs s la search
Public field Static member HsSLaSearchText
The hs s la search text
Public field Static member HsSLCategoriesPageView
The hs sl categories page view
Public field Static member HsSLChartGroupId
The hs sl chart group identifier
Public field Static member HsSLChartId
The hs sl chart identifier
Public field Static member HsSLCommunicatorId
The hs sl communicator identifier
Public field Static member HsSLConcurrency
The hs sl concurrency
Public field Static member HsSLCustomViews
The hs sl custom views
Public field Static member HsSLGlanceItemId
The hs sl glance item identifier
Public field Static member HsSLIsolatedStorageFileCategoryIcons
Public field Static member HsSLIsolatedStorageFileCategoryIconsPath
Public field Static member HsSLIsolatedStorageFileSystemOption
The hs sl isolated storage file system option
Public field Static member HsSLListFilter
The hs sl list filter
Public field Static member HsSLListType
The hs sl list type
Public field Static member HsSLManageObjectInvokedFromHelpSTARSearch
The hs sl manage object invoked from help star search
Public field Static member HsSLManageObjectSearchPhrase
The hs sl manage object search phrase
Public field Static member HsSLObjectType
The hs sl object type
Public field Static member HsSLObjectTypeId
The hs sl object type identifier
Public field Static member HsSLParentInstanceId
The hs sl parent instance identifier
Public field Static member HsSLPropertyObjectId
The hs sl property object identifier
Public field Static member HsSLPropertyObjectName
The hs sl property object name
Public field Static member HsSLQueryCriteriaDesignerMode
The hs sl query criteria designer mode
Public field Static member HsSLQueryCriteriaQuery
The hs sl query criteria query
Public field Static member HsSLQueryCriteriaQueryField
The hs sl query criteria query field
Public field Static member HsSLQueryDesignerMode
The hs sl query designer mode
Public field Static member HsSLQueryId
The hs sl query identifier
Public field Static member HsSLReportAlphaFrom
The hs sl report alpha from
Public field Static member HsSLReportAlphaTo
The hs sl report alpha to
Public field Static member HsSLReportAlphaType
The hs sl report alpha type
Public field Static member HsSLReportDateFrom
The hs sl report date from
Public field Static member HsSLReportDateTo
The hs sl report date to
Public field Static member HsSLReportDateType
The hs sl report date type
Public field Static member HsSLReportPreview
The hs sl report preview
Public field Static member HsSLReportSelectedPOId
The hs sl report selected po identifier
Public field Static member HsSLReportSelectedWKSId
The hs sl report selected WKS identifier
Public field Static member HsSLReportSubRptType
The hs sl report sub RPT type
Public field Static member HsSLReportType
The hs sl report type
Public field Static member HsSLRequester
The hs sl requester
Public field Static member HsSLRequestType
The hs sl request type
Public field Static member HsSLRootCommunicatorId
The hs sl root communicator identifier
Public field Static member HsSLRunDiscoveredQuery
The hs sl run discovered query
Public field Static member HSSLSelectedProjectId
The HSSL selected project identifier
Public field Static member HsSLSelectedQueueId
The hs sl selected queue identifier
Public field Static member HsSLSelectedQueueName
The hs sl selected queue name
Public field Static member HsSLSelectedUserId
The hs sl selected user identifier
Public field Static member HsSLSelectedUserName
The hs sl selected user name
Public field Static member HsSLSessionKey
The hs sl session key
Public field Static member HsSLShowOrganizationalHierarchy
The hs sl show organizational hierarchy
Public field Static member HsSLShowPropertyPage
The hs sl show property page
Public field Static member HsSLTemplateType
The hs sl template type
Public field Static member HsSLUniqueId
The hs sl unique identifier
Public field Static member HsSLUserCompanyId
The hs sl user company identifier
Public field Static member HsSLUserOUId
The hs sl user ou identifier
Public field Static member HsSLViewId
The hs sl view identifier
Public field Static member HSSRNoOwnerSupportRep
The HSSR no owner support rep
Public field Static member HSSRNoOwnerTeam
The HSSR no owner team
Public field Static member hsSystemGlobleId
The hs system globle identifier
Public field Static member hsSystemRoleIdLimit
The hs system role identifier limit
Public field Static member hsTableAliasReplacable
The hs table alias replacable
Public field Static member hsTDFetchCDCode
The hs td fetch cd code
Public field Static member HsTestDG
The hs test dg
Public field Static member hsThreadsLog
The hs threads log
Public field Static member hsToolTipDelay
The hs tool tip delay
Public field Static member hsTrace
The hs trace
Public field Static member hsTracePurgeDays
The hs trace purge days
Public field Static member HsTypeString
The hs type string
Public field Static member HsUnity_RequestApprovalOldPath
Public field Static member HsUnity_RequestApprovalPath
Public field Static member HsUnity_RequestDetailPath
Public field Static member HsUnity_SolutionDetailPath
Public field Static member HsUserDefinedDashboard
The hs user defined dashboard
Public field Static member hsWaitingForResponse
The hs waiting for response
Public field Static member HsWeb_Application_Abbriviation
The hs web_ application_ abbriviation
Public field Static member HsWeb_Application_Name
The hs web_ application_ name
Public field Static member HsWeb_AutomaticId
The hs web_ automatic identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_Button
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ button
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_ButtonPPC
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ button PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_Checkbox
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ checkbox
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_CheckboxPPC
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ checkbox PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_FieldPPC
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ field PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_Image
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ image
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_Select
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ select
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_SelectPPC
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ select PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_SpanField
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ span field
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_SpanSection
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ span section
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_SpanTitle
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ span title
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_Suffix_OnMouseDown
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ suffix_ on mouse down
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_Suffix_OnMouseOver
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ suffix_ on mouse over
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_TableAttachment
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ table attachment
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_TableDarkBlue
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ table dark blue
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_TableDarkPurple
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ table dark purple
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_TableLightPurple
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ table light purple
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_TableOuterBorder
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ table outer border
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_TableTitleBar
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ table title bar
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_TableToolbar
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ table toolbar
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_Text
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ text
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_TextArea
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ text area
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Class_TextPPC
The hs web_ cs s_ class_ text PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Color_DarkBlue
The hs web_ cs s_ color_ dark blue
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Color_DarkerPurple
The hs web_ cs s_ color_ darker purple
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Color_DarkPurple
The hs web_ cs s_ color_ dark purple
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_Color_LightPurple
The hs web_ cs s_ color_ light purple
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_File_Main
The hs web_ cs s_ file_ main
Public field Static member HsWeb_CSS_File_WindShieldWiper
The hs web_ cs s_ file_ wind shield wiper
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Behaviors
The hs web_ dir_ behaviors
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Classes
The hs web_ dir_ classes
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Controls
The hs web_ dir_ controls
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_CRM_Images
The hs web_ dir_ cr m_ images
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Help
The hs web_ dir_ help
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_HsTemp
The hs web_ dir_ hs temporary
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Images
The hs web_ dir_ images
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Images_New
The hs web_ dir_ images_ new
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Images_New_Calendar
The hs web_ dir_ images_ new_ calendar
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Images_New_Category
The hs web_ dir_ images_ new_ category
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Images_New_Grid
The hs web_ dir_ images_ new_ grid
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Images_New_Icons
The hs web_ dir_ images_ new_ icons
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Images_New_Setup
The hs web_ dir_ images_ new_ setup
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Images_New_Treeview
The hs web_ dir_ images_ new_ treeview
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Java
The hs web_ dir_ java
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Pages
The hs web_ dir_ pages
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Resources
The hs web_ dir_ resources
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_Scripts
The hs web_ dir_ scripts
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_StyleSheets
The hs web_ dir_ style sheets
Public field Static member HsWeb_Dir_UnAuthenticated
The hs web_ dir_ un authenticated
Public field Static member HsWeb_EComAutomaticId
The hs web_ e COM automatic identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Frame_Datagram
The hs web_ frame_ datagram
Public field Static member HsWeb_Frame_Main
The hs web_ frame_ main
Public field Static member HsWeb_Frame_Statusbar
The hs web_ frame_ statusbar
Public field Static member HsWeb_Frame_Toolbar
The hs web_ frame_ toolbar
Public field Static member HsWeb_Frame_Top
The hs web_ frame_ top
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_AddChild
The hs web_ image_ add child
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_AddFolder
The hs web_ image_ add folder
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_Ascending
The hs web_ image_ ascending
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_Back
The hs web_ image_ back
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_Branch
The hs web_ image_ branch
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_Calendar
The hs web_ image_ calendar
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_CancelButton
The hs web_ image_ cancel button
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ClosePage
The hs web_ image_ close page
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_CompanyMerge
The hs web_ image_ company merge
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_CompanyType
The hs web_ image_ company type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_CRM_Help
The hs web_ image_ cr m_ help
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_CRM_HelpSTARTitle
The hs web_ image_ cr m_ help star title
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_CRM_Title
The hs web_ image_ cr m_ title
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarAlarms
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar alarms
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarAllocate
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar allocate
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarCharts
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar charts
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarClosed
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar closed
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar date logged
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarFindAsset
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar find asset
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarFindBestSolution
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar find best solution
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarFindCompany
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar find company
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarFindDepartment
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar find department
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarFindProblemType
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar find problem type
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar find product
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar find purchase order
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar find queue
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarFindRequest
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar find request
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar find request by number
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarFindSupportRep
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar find support rep
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar find user
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarFindVendor
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar find vendor
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarFindWorkstation
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar find workstation
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarFollowups
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar followups
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar history asset
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarHistoryComapny
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar history comapny
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarHistoryDepartment
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar history support rep
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarHistoryWorkstation
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar in dispatch
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar in queue
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar in service
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar memo entered
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarMoveDown
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar move down
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar move up
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar new purchase
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarNewPurchaze
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar new purchaze
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarNewRequest
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar new request
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarOpened
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar opened
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_ctlOutlookBarOverdue
The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar overdue
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar pending
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar queries
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar reports
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The hs web_ image_ctl outlook bar timesheet
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The hs web_ image_ctl service request attachment
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The hs web_ image_ctl service request caption
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The hs web_ image_ctl service request followup
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The hs web_ image_ctl top control log off
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The hs web_ image_ delete
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The hs web_ image_ descending
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The hs web_ image_ details_ asset
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The hs web_ image_ details_ company
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The hs web_ image_ details_ department
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The hs web_ image_ details_ problem type
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The hs web_ image_ details_ product
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The hs web_ image_ details_ standard solution
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The hs web_ image_ details_ work station
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The hs web_ image_ dynamic help selected
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The hs web_ image_ dynamic help unselected
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The hs web_ image_ encrypted
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The hs web_ image_ filter
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The hs web_ image_ follow up
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The hs web_ image_frm approve_ caption
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The hs web_ image_frm asset explorer_ nonallocated_ treeview
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Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_frmAssetExplorer_Workstation_Treeview
The hs web_ image_frm asset explorer_ workstation_ treeview
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The hs web_ image_frm attachment caption
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The hs web_ image_frm attachment encryption for caption
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The hs web_ image_frm chart option_ generate
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The hs web_ image_frm default pp c_ all request
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The hs web_ image_frm detail_ privileges
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The hs web_ image_frm find queue_ folder
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The hs web_ image_frm find queue_ private
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The hs web_ image_frm find queue_ public
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_frmFindQueue_Rep
The hs web_ image_frm find queue_ rep
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The hs web_ image_frm find queue_ system
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The hs web_ image_frm folder_ find
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The hs web_ image_frm folder_ new
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The hs web_ image_frm list service request caption_ alarm
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The hs web_ image_frm list service request caption_ overdue
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The hs web_ image_frm list service request toolbar_ update
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The hs web_ image_frm list standard solution_ caption
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The hs web_ image_frm login_ logo
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The hs web_ image_frm message box_ error
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The hs web_ image_frm message box_ information
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The hs web_ image_frm message box_ question
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The hs web_ image_frm message box p PC_ error
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_frmMessageBoxPPC_Information
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The hs web_ image_frm query designer_ clear
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The hs web_ image_frm query designer_ new
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The hs web_ image_frm query designer_ run
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The hs web_ image_frm query designer_ update
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The hs web_ image_frm report designer_ run
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The hs web_ image_frm service request detail_ update
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The hs web_ image_frm service request priv_ new solution
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The hs web_ image_frm service request priv_ print
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The hs web_ image_frm service request priv_ process
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The hs web_ image_frm service request priv_ save
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The hs web_ image_frm service request priv_ solution delete
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The hs web_ image_frm tip_ my request overdue
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The hs web_ image_frm tip_ my workspace follow up
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The hs web_ image_frm tip_ my workspace in dispatch
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The hs web_ image_frm tip_ my workspace in service
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The hs web_ image_frm tip_ my workspace overdue
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The hs web_ image_ how to
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The hs web_ image_ local task selected
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The hs web_ image_ local task unselected
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The hs web_ image_ logoff
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The hs web_ image_ merge
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_New_Company
The hs web_ image_ new_ company
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_New_Department
The hs web_ image_ new_ department
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The hs web_ image_ new_ problem type
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The hs web_ image_ new_ queue
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The hs web_ image_ new_ software
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The hs web_ image_ new_ user
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The hs web_ image_ new problem type new
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The hs web_ image_ print
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The hs web_ image_ priv
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The hs web_ image_ queue assign
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_Refresh
The hs web_ image_ refresh
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The hs web_ image_ report
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The hs web_ image_ restore
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The hs web_ image_ retire
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The hs web_ image_ save button
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The hs web_ image_ search
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The hs web_ image_ service request detail_ caption
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The hs web_ image_ setup_4 green
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The hs web_ image_ setup_5 green
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_Setup_5Grey
The hs web_ image_ setup_5 grey
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The hs web_ image_ setup_6 green
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The hs web_ image_ setup_7 green
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The hs web_ image_ setup_7 grey
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The hs web_ image_ setup_ company
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_Setup_Department
The hs web_ image_ setup_ department
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_Setup_External
The hs web_ image_ setup_ external
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_Setup_HowToDemo
The hs web_ image_ setup_ how to demo
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_Setup_Internal
The hs web_ image_ setup_ internal
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The hs web_ image_ setup_ mixed
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_Setup_ProblemType
The hs web_ image_ setup_ problem type
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The hs web_ image_ setup_ queue
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The hs web_ image_ setup_ queue assignment
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The hs web_ image_ setup_ rep
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_Setup_Start
The hs web_ image_ setup_ start
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The hs web_ image_ setup_ step by step
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_Setup_User
The hs web_ image_ setup_ user
Public field Static member HsWeb_Image_Update
The hs web_ image_ update
Public field Static member HsWeb_Java_Menu
The hs web_ java_ menu
Public field Static member HSWeb_ListDisplayMaxRecords
The hs web_ list display maximum records
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_Attachment
The hs web_ page_ attachment
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The hs web_ page_ attachment downlaod
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The hs web_ page_ attachment encryption for
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The hs web_ page_ attachment property
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The hs web_ page_ attachments tab
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The hs web_ page_ calendar PPC
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The hs web_ page_ category
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The hs web_ page_ chart option
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The hs web_ page_ chart preview
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The hs web_ page_ company
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The hs web_ page_ company merge
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The hs web_ page_ CRM detail control
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The hs web_ page_ CRM help
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The hs web_ page_ CRM home
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The hs web_ page_ CRM knowledge base
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The hs web_ page_ CRM knowledge base detail
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The hs web_ page_ CRM login
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The hs web_ page_ CRM message
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The hs web_ page_ CRM message ecom
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The hs web_ page_ CRM my account
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The hs web_ page_ CRM open calls
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The hs web_ page_ CRM request control
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The hs web_ page_ CRM request detail
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The hs web_ page_ CRM service request
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The hs web_ page_ date range
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_Default
The hs web_ page_ default
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The hs web_ page_ default PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_Department
The hs web_ page_ department
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The hs web_ page_ detail
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The hs web_ page_ detail PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_Folder
The hs web_ page_ folder
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The hs web_ page_ folder assign option
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The hs web_ page_ folder assign selection
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The hs web_ page_ folder properties
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_FollowUp
The hs web_ page_ follow up
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The hs web_ page_ follow up PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_FollowUpReminder
The hs web_ page_ follow up reminder
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ForgotPassword
The hs web_ page_ forgot password
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_GuidedSetup
The hs web_ page_ guided setup
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_HDEXHelp
The hs web_ page_ hdex help
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_Help
The hs web_ page_ help
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_HelpDeskStyle
The hs web_ page_ help desk style
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_Introduction
The hs web_ page_ introduction
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The hs web_ page_ keyword
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The hs web_ page_ list chart
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The hs web_ page_ list priority escape
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ListServiceRequest
The hs web_ page_ list service request
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The hs web_ page_ list service request memos
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The hs web_ page_ list service request memos PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ListServiceRequests
The hs web_ page_ list service requests
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The hs web_ page_ list service requests filter PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ListServiceRequestsPPC
The hs web_ page_ list service requests PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ListStandardSolution
The hs web_ page_ list standard solution
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_Login
The hs web_ page_ login
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The hs web_ page_ login_ community portal
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_Login_ServicePRO
The hs web_ page_ login_ service pro
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The hs web_ page_ mail configuration
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_MailOptions
The hs web_ page_ mail options
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_MessageBox
The hs web_ page_ message box
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The hs web_ page_ message box2
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The hs web_ page_ message box PPC
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The hs web_ page_ modal form
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The hs web_ page_ modal form2
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The hs web_ page_ pass phrase
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The hs web_ page_ priority escape
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The hs web_ page_ priority interval
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The hs web_ page_ priority selection
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_PurchaseRequest
The hs web_ page_ purchase request
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_Queries
The hs web_ page_ queries
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The hs web_ page_ query designer
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The hs web_ page_ query designer control
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_QueryParamSelection
The hs web_ page_ query parameter selection
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_QueryPreview
The hs web_ page_ query preview
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_QueueFolder
The hs web_ page_ queue folder
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The hs web_ page_ quick audit
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_RelatedSolution
The hs web_ page_ related solution
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The hs web_ page_ rep2 queue
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The hs web_ page_ rep2 queue new
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The hs web_ page_ report designer
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_Reports
The hs web_ page_ reports
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_RequestProcess
The hs web_ page_ request process
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ServiceRequest
The hs web_ page_ service request
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The hs web_ page_ service request approve
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The hs web_ page_ service request approve PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ServiceRequestDetail
The hs web_ page_ service request detail
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The hs web_ page_ service request detail PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ServiceRequestEditMemo
The hs web_ page_ service request edit memo
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ServiceRequestPPC
The hs web_ page_ service request PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ServiceRequestPreview
The hs web_ page_ service request preview
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ServiceRequestPriv
The hs web_ page_ service request priv
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ServiceRequestSearch
The hs web_ page_ service request search
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ServiceRequestSearchById
The hs web_ page_ service request search by identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ServiceRequestSearchByIdPPC
The hs web_ page_ service request search by identifier PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ServiceRequestSearchPPC
The hs web_ page_ service request search PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ServiceRequestSolvedBySolution
The hs web_ page_ service request solved by solution
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_ShutDown
The hs web_ page_ shut down
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_SignUp
The hs web_ page_ sign up
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_SimpleFindUserDefined
The hs web_ page_ simple find user defined
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_StandardSolution
The hs web_ page_ standard solution
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_StandardSolutionCreateOption
The hs web_ page_ standard solution create option
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_StandardSolutionDetail
The hs web_ page_ standard solution detail
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The hs web_ page_ standard solution detail PPC
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The hs web_ page_ standard solution PPC
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The hs web_ page_ standard solution preview
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The hs web_ page_ standard solution print
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_StandardSolutionSearch
The hs web_ page_ standard solution search
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_StandardSolutionSearchPPC
The hs web_ page_ standard solution search PPC
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_StatusBar
The hs web_ page_ status bar
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The hs web_ page_ system options
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The hs web_ page_ tips
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The hs web_ page_ toolbar
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_Top
The hs web_ page_ top
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_User
The hs web_ page_ user
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_UserMerge
The hs web_ page_ user merge
Public field Static member HsWeb_Page_UserOption
The hs web_ page_ user option
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The hs web_ page_ user privilege
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The hs web_ page_ ws detail
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The hs web_ page_ ws detail grid
Public field Static member HSWeb_PPC_PageWidth
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The hs web_ pp c_ records per page
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The hs web_ product const_ authentication
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The hs web_ product const_ database
Public field Static member HsWeb_ProductConst_DSN
The hs web_ product const_ DSN
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The hs web_ product const_ help star
Public field Static member HsWeb_ProductConst_HostedApp
The hs web_ product const_ hosted application
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The hs web_ product const_ ie version major
Public field Static member HsWeb_ProductConst_IEVersionMinor
The hs web_ product const_ ie version minor
Public field Static member HsWeb_ProductConst_LanguageDefault
The hs web_ product const_ language default
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The hs web_ product const_ languages selectable
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The hs web_ product const_ languages supported
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The hs web_ product const_ login page
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The hs web_ product const_ product
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The hs web_ script_ blocks_ close
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The hs web_ script_ client side validations
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The hs web_ script_ grid
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The hs web_ script_ otlook bar
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The hs web_ script_ wind shield wiper
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The hs web_ text_frm adv search save_ ur l_ is report
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The hs web_ text_frm attachment_ ur l_ object identifier
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The hs web_ text_frm attachment download_ ur l_ attachment identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmAttachmentEncryptionFor_URL_intAttachmentId
The hs web_ text_frm attachment encryption for_ ur l_int attachment identifier
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The hs web_ text_frm attachment encryption for_ ur l_ object identifier
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The hs web_ text_frm attachment encryption for_ ur l_ object type identifier
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The hs web_ text_frm blank page_ URL parameter_ message identifier
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The hs web_ text_frm calendar pp c_ URL parameter_ date
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Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmCalendarPPC_URLParameter_Reminder
The hs web_ text_frm calendar pp c_ URL parameter_ reminder
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The hs web_ text_frm chart option_ URL parameter_ chart
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The hs web_ text_frm company_ ur l_ retire flag
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The hs web_ text_frm default_ ur l_ initialize launch
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The hs web_ text_frm department_ ur l_ retire flag
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Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmDetailPPC_URLParameter_ObjectTypeId
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The hs web_ text_frm follow up_ URL parameter_ request identifier
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The hs web_ text_frm follow up pp c_ URL parameter_ request identifier
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The hs web_ text_frm introduction_ ur l_ step
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The hs web_ text_frm keyword_ URL parameter_ ids
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The hs web_ text_frm list service request_ URL parameter_ date range
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The hs web_ text_frm list service request_ URL parameter_ is assigned
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The hs web_ text_frm list service request_ URL parameter_ queue identifier
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The hs web_ text_frm list service request_ URL parameter_ queue identifier string
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The hs web_ text_frm list service request_ URL parameter_ view as user name
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The hs web_ text_frm list service request_ URL parameter_ view identifier
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The hs web_ text_frm list service request filter pp c_ URL parameter_ list type
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The hs web_ text_frm list service request memos_ URL parameter_ request identifier
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The hs web_ text_frm list service request pp c_ URL parameter_ identifier
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The hs web_ text_frm list service request pp c_ URL parameter_ list type
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The hs web_ text_frm list service request pp c_ URL parameter_ page no
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The hs web_ text_frm list standard solution_ ur l_ title
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The hs web_ text_frm login_ cgiur l_ password
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The hs web_ text_frm login_ ur l_ initialize launch
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Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmLogin_URL_Password
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The hs web_ text_frm login_ ur l_ search
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Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBox_URLParameter_MessageId
The hs web_ text_frm message box_ URL parameter_ message identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBox_URLParameter_Parameter1
The hs web_ text_frm message box_ URL parameter_ parameter1
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBox_URLParameter_Parameter2
The hs web_ text_frm message box_ URL parameter_ parameter2
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBox_URLParameter_Parameter3
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Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBox_URLParameter_Parameter4
The hs web_ text_frm message box_ URL parameter_ parameter4
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBox_URLParameter_ReturnUrl
The hs web_ text_frm message box_ URL parameter_ return URL
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBox_URLParameter_Type
The hs web_ text_frm message box_ URL parameter_ type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBoxPPC_URLParameter_Buttons
The hs web_ text_frm message box pp c_ URL parameter_ buttons
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBoxPPC_URLParameter_Default
The hs web_ text_frm message box pp c_ URL parameter_ default
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBoxPPC_URLParameter_MessageId
The hs web_ text_frm message box pp c_ URL parameter_ message identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBoxPPC_URLParameter_Parameter1
The hs web_ text_frm message box pp c_ URL parameter_ parameter1
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBoxPPC_URLParameter_Parameter2
The hs web_ text_frm message box pp c_ URL parameter_ parameter2
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBoxPPC_URLParameter_Parameter3
The hs web_ text_frm message box pp c_ URL parameter_ parameter3
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBoxPPC_URLParameter_Parameter4
The hs web_ text_frm message box pp c_ URL parameter_ parameter4
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmMessageBoxPPC_URLParameter_Type
The hs web_ text_frm message box pp c_ URL parameter_ type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmPriorityEsc_URLParameter_Id
The hs web_ text_frm priority esc_ URL parameter_ identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmPriorityInterval_URLParameter_Type
The hs web_ text_frm priority interval_ URL parameter_ type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmPriorityInterval_URLParameter_Value
The hs web_ text_frm priority interval_ URL parameter_ value
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmPrioritySelection_URLParameter_GroupId
The hs web_ text_frm priority selection_ URL parameter_ group identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmPrioritySelection_URLParameter_Status
The hs web_ text_frm priority selection_ URL parameter_ status
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmPrioritySelection_URLParameter_Values
The hs web_ text_frm priority selection_ URL parameter_ values
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmPrioritySelection_URLParameter_Wait
The hs web_ text_frm priority selection_ URL parameter_ wait
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryDesigner_Label_GridAskRuntime
The hs web_ text_frm query designer_ label_ grid ask runtime
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryDesigner_Label_GridCriteria
The hs web_ text_frm query designer_ label_ grid criteria
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryDesigner_Label_GridShow
The hs web_ text_frm query designer_ label_ grid show
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryDesigner_Label_GridSortBy
The hs web_ text_frm query designer_ label_ grid sort by
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryDesigner_URL_GridType
The hs web_ text_frm query designer_ ur l_ grid type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryDesigner_URL_Param
The hs web_ text_frm query designer_ ur l_ parameter
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryDesigner_URL_QueryId
The hs web_ text_frm query designer_ ur l_ query identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryDesigner_URL_SQL
The hs web_ text_frm query designer_ ur l_ SQL
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_And
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_ and
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_ButtonAdd
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_ button add
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_ButtonCancel
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_ button cancel
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_ButtonOK
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_ button ok
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_ButtonRemove
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_ button remove
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_cbxContains
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_cbx contains
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_cbxDoesNotContain
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_cbx does not contain
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The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_cbx ends with
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The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_cbx equal to
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The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_cbx greater than
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The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_cbx greater than equal to
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_cbxIsNotNull
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_cbx is not null
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_cbxIsNull
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_cbx is null
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_cbxLessThan
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_cbx less than
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_cbxLessThanEqualTo
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_cbx less than equal to
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_cbxNotEqual
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_cbx not equal
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The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_cbx range between
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_cbxStartsWith
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_cbx starts with
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_ConditionAnd
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_ condition and
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_ConditionOr
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_ condition or
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_Criteria
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_ criteria
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_Days
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_ days
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_Hours
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_ hours
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_Minutes
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_ minutes
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Label_SelectionType
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ label_ selection type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_Tooltip_Find
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ tooltip_ find
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_URL_Field
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ ur l_ field
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_URL_FieldCaption
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ ur l_ field caption
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_URL_FieldId
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ ur l_ field identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_URL_IsAskRunTime
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ ur l_ is ask run time
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_URL_NodeInfo
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ ur l_ node information
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmQueryParamSelection_URL_QueryId
The hs web_ text_frm query parameter selection_ ur l_ query identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmRelatedSolution_URLParameter_KeywordIds
The hs web_ text_frm related solution_ URL parameter_ keyword ids
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmRelatedSolution_URLParameter_ProblemTypeId
The hs web_ text_frm related solution_ URL parameter_ problem type identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmRelatedSolution_URLParameter_SelectedIds
The hs web_ text_frm related solution_ URL parameter_ selected ids
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmRelatedSolution_URLParameter_SolutionId
The hs web_ text_frm related solution_ URL parameter_ solution identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmRep2Queue_URL_AssignmentId
The hs web_ text_frm rep2 queue_ ur l_ assignment identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmRep2Queue_URL_AssignmentType
The hs web_ text_frm rep2 queue_ ur l_ assignment type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmRep2Queue_URL_HelpDeskType
The hs web_ text_frm rep2 queue_ ur l_ help desk type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequest_URLParameter_BolRoot
The hs web_ text_frm service request_ URL parameter_ bol root
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequest_URLParameter_CurrNode
The hs web_ text_frm service request_ URL parameter_ curr node
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequest_URLParameter_LngProcessId
The hs web_ text_frm service request_ URL parameter_ LNG process identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequest_URLParameter_RequestId
The hs web_ text_frm service request_ URL parameter_ request identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequest_URLParameter_RequestType
The hs web_ text_frm service request_ URL parameter_ request type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestApprove_URLParameter_RequestId
The hs web_ text_frm service request approve_ URL parameter_ request identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestApprovePPC_URLParameter_RequestId
The hs web_ text_frm service request approve pp c_ URL parameter_ request identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestDetail_URLParameter_RequestId
The hs web_ text_frm service request detail_ URL parameter_ request identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestDetail_URLParameter_RequestType
The hs web_ text_frm service request detail_ URL parameter_ request type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestDetailPPC_URLParameter_Action
The hs web_ text_frm service request detail pp c_ URL parameter_ action
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestDetailPPC_URLParameter_ActiveTab
The hs web_ text_frm service request detail pp c_ URL parameter_ active tab
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestDetailPPC_URLParameter_RequestId
The hs web_ text_frm service request detail pp c_ URL parameter_ request identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestDetailPPC_URLParameter_RequestType
The hs web_ text_frm service request detail pp c_ URL parameter_ request type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestDetailPPC_URLParameter_SortAsc
The hs web_ text_frm service request detail pp c_ URL parameter_ sort asc
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestEditMemo_URLParameter_MemoID
The hs web_ text_frm service request edit memo_ URL parameter_ memo identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPPC_URLParameter_Action
The hs web_ text_frm service request pp c_ URL parameter_ action
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPPC_URLParameter_RequestId
The hs web_ text_frm service request pp c_ URL parameter_ request identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPPC_URLParameter_RequestType
The hs web_ text_frm service request pp c_ URL parameter_ request type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPPC_URLParameter_Section
The hs web_ text_frm service request pp c_ URL parameter_ section
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPPC_URLParameter_Tab
The hs web_ text_frm service request pp c_ URL parameter_ tab
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPreview_URLParameter_FoldName
The hs web_ text_frm service request preview_ URL parameter_ fold name
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPreview_URLParameter_MemoOption
The hs web_ text_frm service request preview_ URL parameter_ memo option
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPreview_URLParameter_Memotime
The hs web_ text_frm service request preview_ URL parameter_ memotime
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPreview_URLParameter_Print
The hs web_ text_frm service request preview_ URL parameter_ print
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPreview_URLParameter_Purchase
The hs web_ text_frm service request preview_ URL parameter_ purchase
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPreview_URLParameter_RequestDetail
The hs web_ text_frm service request preview_ URL parameter_ request detail
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPreview_URLParameter_RequestId
The hs web_ text_frm service request preview_ URL parameter_ request identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPreview_URLParameter_SortOption
The hs web_ text_frm service request preview_ URL parameter_ sort option
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPriv_URLParameter_ParentId
The hs web_ text_frm service request priv_ URL parameter_ parent identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPriv_URLParameter_PurchaseRequest
The hs web_ text_frm service request priv_ URL parameter_ purchase request
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPriv_URLParameter_RequestId
The hs web_ text_frm service request priv_ URL parameter_ request identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestPrivPPC_URLParameter_RequestId
The hs web_ text_frm service request priv pp c_ URL parameter_ request identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestSolvedBySolution_URL_RequestId
The hs web_ text_frm service request solved by solution_ ur l_ request identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmServiceRequestSolvedBySolution_URL_SolutionIds
The hs web_ text_frm service request solved by solution_ ur l_ solution ids
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSignUp_URL_URLwebsite
The hs web_ text_frm sign up_ ur l_ ur lwebsite
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSimpleFindUserDefined_URLParameter_BolListVendors
The hs web_ text_frm simple find user defined_ URL parameter_ bol list vendors
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSimpleFindUserDefined_URLParameter_BolShowHistory
The hs web_ text_frm simple find user defined_ URL parameter_ bol show history
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSimpleFindUserDefined_URLParameter_bShow
The hs web_ text_frm simple find user defined_ URL parameter_b show
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSimpleFindUserDefined_URLParameter_ByAllocation
The hs web_ text_frm simple find user defined_ URL parameter_ by allocation
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSimpleFindUserDefined_URLParameter_ByUserType
The hs web_ text_frm simple find user defined_ URL parameter_ by user type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSimpleFindUserDefined_URLParameter_CallBackFunction
The hs web_ text_frm simple find user defined_ URL parameter_ call back function
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSimpleFindUserDefined_URLParameter_FieldName
The hs web_ text_frm simple find user defined_ URL parameter_ field name
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSimpleFindUserDefined_URLParameter_FilterObjectID
The hs web_ text_frm simple find user defined_ URL parameter_ filter object identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSimpleFindUserDefined_URLParameter_FilterObjectType
The hs web_ text_frm simple find user defined_ URL parameter_ filter object type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSimpleFindUserDefined_URLParameter_HelpDeskType
The hs web_ text_frm simple find user defined_ URL parameter_ help desk type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSimpleFindUserDefined_URLParameter_HostControlName
The hs web_ text_frm simple find user defined_ URL parameter_ host control name
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSimpleFindUserDefined_URLParameter_Mode
The hs web_ text_frm simple find user defined_ URL parameter_ mode
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSimpleFindUserDefined_URLParameter_ObjectStatus
The hs web_ text_frm simple find user defined_ URL parameter_ object status
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmSimpleFindUserDefined_URLParameter_ObjectTypeId
The hs web_ text_frm simple find user defined_ URL parameter_ object type identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmStandardSolution_URL_Option
The hs web_ text_frm standard solution_ ur l_ option
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmStandardSolution_URL_RequestId
The hs web_ text_frm standard solution_ ur l_ request identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmStandardSolution_URL_SolutionId
The hs web_ text_frm standard solution_ ur l_ solution identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmStandardSolution_URL_Warning
The hs web_ text_frm standard solution_ ur l_ warning
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmStandardSolutionDetail_URL_PreviewMode
The hs web_ text_frm standard solution detail_ ur l_ preview mode
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmStandardSolutionDetail_URL_SolutionId
The hs web_ text_frm standard solution detail_ ur l_ solution identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmStandardSolutionDetailPPC_URL_SolutionId
The hs web_ text_frm standard solution detail pp c_ ur l_ solution identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmStandardSolutionPreview_URL_SolutionId
The hs web_ text_frm standard solution preview_ ur l_ solution identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmStandardSolutionPrint_URL_SolutionId
The hs web_ text_frm standard solution print_ ur l_ solution identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmStandardSolutionSearch_URL_ProblemTypeId
The hs web_ text_frm standard solution search_ ur l_ problem type identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmStandardSolutionSearch_URL_Title
The hs web_ text_frm standard solution search_ ur l_ title
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmTip_URL_Type
The hs web_ text_frm tip_ ur l_ type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmUser_URL_DeleteFlag
The hs web_ text_frm user_ ur l_ delete flag
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmUser_URL_HelpDeskType
The hs web_ text_frm user_ ur l_ help desk type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmUser_URL_ObjectID
The hs web_ text_frm user_ ur l_ object identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmUser_URL_RetireFlag
The hs web_ text_frm user_ ur l_ retire flag
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmUserPrivilege_URL_HelpDeskType
The hs web_ text_frm user privilege_ ur l_ help desk type
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmUserPrivilege_URL_UserForm
The hs web_ text_frm user privilege_ ur l_ user form
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmUserPrivilege_URL_UserID
The hs web_ text_frm user privilege_ ur l_ user identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_frmWsDetail_URLParameter_AssUserID
The hs web_ text_frm ws detail_ URL parameter_ ass user identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_Label_DateRangeLastMonth
The hs web_ text_ label_ date range last month
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_Label_DateRangeLastWeek
The hs web_ text_ label_ date range last week
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_Label_DateRangeLastYear
The hs web_ text_ label_ date range last year
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_Label_DateRangeThisMonth
The hs web_ text_ label_ date range this month
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_Label_DateRangeThisWeek
The hs web_ text_ label_ date range this week
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_Label_DateRangeThisYear
The hs web_ text_ label_ date range this year
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_Label_DateRangeToday
The hs web_ text_ label_ date range today
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_Label_DateRangeYesterday
The hs web_ text_ label_ date range yesterday
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_Tooltip_SelectDate
The hs web_ text_ tooltip_ select date
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_URL_frmCRMMyAccount_Option
The hs web_ text_ ur L_FRM CRM my account_ option
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_URL_frmCRMMyAccount_ReturnUrl
The hs web_ text_ ur L_FRM CRM my account_ return URL
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_URL_frmGetName_Default
The hs web_ text_ ur L_FRM get name_ default
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_URL_frmPurchaseRequestItem_DueBy
The hs web_ text_ ur L_FRM purchase request item_ due by
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_URL_frmPurchaseRequestItem_DueByAlarm
The hs web_ text_ ur L_FRM purchase request item_ due by alarm
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_URL_frmPurchaseRequestItem_Memo
The hs web_ text_ ur L_FRM purchase request item_ memo
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_URL_frmPurchaseRequestItem_ProductId
The hs web_ text_ ur L_FRM purchase request item_ product identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_URL_frmPurchaseRequestItem_Quantity
The hs web_ text_ ur L_FRM purchase request item_ quantity
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_URL_frmPurchaseRequestItem_RequestId
The hs web_ text_ ur L_FRM purchase request item_ request identifier
Public field Static member HsWeb_Text_URL_frmPurchaseRequestItem_Urgency
The hs web_ text_ ur L_FRM purchase request item_ urgency
Public field Static member HsWeb_Title_CRMEX
The hs web_ title_ crmex
Public field Static member HsWeb_Title_HDXP
The hs web_ title_ HDXP
Public field Static member HsWeb_WebSite_DataGram
The hs web_ web site_ data gram
Public field Static member HsWeb_WebSite_Helpstar
The hs web_ web site_ helpstar
Public field Static member HsWeb_WebSite_HelpstarSSL
The hs web_ web site_ helpstar SSL
Public field Static member HsWeb_WebSite_Title
The hs web_ web site_ title
Public field Static member hsWebSite_ASPMasterSiteSSL
The hs web site_ ASP master site SSL
Public field Static member hsWebSite_ASPMasterSiteUnsecured
The hs web site_ ASP master site unsecured
Public field Static member hsWebSite_CommunityPortal
The hs web site_ community portal
Public field Static member hsWebSite_CRMSSL
The hs web site_ CRMSSL
Public field Static member hsWebSite_CRMUnsecured
The hs web site_ CRM unsecured
Public field Static member hsWebSite_EComSSL
The hs web site_ e COM SSL
Public field Static member hsWebSite_EComUnsecured
The hs web site_ e COM unsecured
Public field Static member hsWebSite_EDU
The hs web site_ edu
Public field Static member hsWebSite_HelpSTAR_AVTutorial
The hs web site_ help sta r_ av tutorial
Public field Static member hsWebSite_RentingSiteSSL
The hs web site_ renting site SSL
Public field Static member hsWebSite_RentingSiteUnsecured
The hs web site_ renting site unsecured
Public field Static member hsWebSite_TestDrive
The hs web site_ test drive
Public field Static member hsWebSite_Training
The hs web site_ training
Public field Static member ImportComplete
The import complete
Public field Static member KEY_ATTACHMENTS
The ke y_ attachments
Public field Static member KEY_ATTACHMENTS_PATH
The ke y_ attachment s_ path
Public field Static member KEY_ATTACHMENTS_SIZE
The ke y_ attachment s_ size
Public field Static member KEY_CGIWEBSITE
The ke y_ cgiwebsite
Public field Static member KEY_CHART
The ke y_ chart
Public field Static member KEY_COMPANYADDED
The ke y_ companyadded
Public field Static member KEY_CRMBACK
The ke y_ crmback
Public field Static member KEY_DBSESSIONID
The ke y_ dbsessionid
Public field Static member KEY_DEPTADDED
The ke y_ deptadded
Public field Static member KEY_EComClient
The ke y_ e COM client
Public field Static member KEY_EComThresholdDays
The ke y_ e COM threshold days
Public field Static member KEY_EndUserRequestOption
The ke y_ end user request option
Public field Static member KEY_EXCEPTION
The ke y_ exception
Public field Static member KEY_FOLLOWUP
The ke y_ followup
Public field Static member KEY_FOLLOWUPFORREP
The ke y_ followupforrep
Public field Static member KEY_HOSTEDAPP
The ke y_ hostedapp
Public field Static member KEY_HSREQUEST
The ke y_ hsrequest
Public field Static member KEY_MSG
The ke y_ MSG
Public field Static member KEY_MSGLink
The ke y_ MSG link
Public field Static member KEY_MsgURLS
The ke y_ MSG urls
Public field Static member KEY_MsgURLS_Cancel
The ke y_ MSG URL s_ cancel
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The ke y_ MSG URL s_ no
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The ke y_ MSG URL s_ yes
Public field Static member KEY_NEWATTACHMENTINFO
The ke y_ newattachmentinfo
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The ke y_ passphrase
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The ke y_ passphrasetimeout
Public field Static member KEY_PROBLEMADDED
The ke y_ problemadded
Public field Static member KEY_ProcessAllData
The ke y_ process all data
Public field Static member KEY_QUERYFIELDCONDITION
The ke y_ queryfieldcondition
Public field Static member KEY_QUERYSQL
The ke y_ querysql
Public field Static member KEY_QUEUEADDED
The ke y_ queueadded
Public field Static member KEY_QUEUEASSIGNED
The ke y_ queueassigned
Public field Static member KEY_REFEREDSOLUTIONS
The ke y_ referedsolutions
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The ke y_ repadded
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The ke y_ requestsearchsql
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The ke y_ solutionsearchsql
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The ke y_ stack
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The ke y_ time worked
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The ke y_ udf
Public field Static member KEY_URLWEBSITE
The ke y_ urlwebsite
Public field Static member KEY_USER
The ke y_ user
Public field Static member KEY_USERADDED
The ke y_ useradded
Public field Static member KEY_UserIdentityIsADS
The ke y_ user identity is ads
Public field Static member KEY_WEBPAGETITLE
The ke y_ webpagetitle
Public field Static member LicenseExpiryDaysBuffer
The license expiry days buffer
Public field Static member lngAvgBusinessSecondsInADay
The LNG average business seconds in a day
Public field Static member LoadResString104
The load resource string104
Public field Static member LoadResString105
The load resource string105
Public field Static member LoadResString106
The load resource string106
Public field Static member LoadResString112
The load resource string112
Public field Static member MAIL_NoTitle
The mai l_ no title
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The mai l_ sub line reference
Public field Static member MAIL_SubLineTitle
The mai l_ sub line title
Public field Static member MaxGroupLevel
The maximum group level
Public field Static member MaxThresholdPageCountToPrint
Public field Static member OtherServiceRequestTypeKey
The other service request type key
Public field Static member PurchaseAlias
The purchase alias
Public field Static member PurchaseRequestGridImage
The purchase request grid image
Public field Static member PurchaseRequestGridSelectedImage
The purchase request grid selected image
Public field Static member PurchaseRequestKey
The purchase request key
Public field Static member PurchaseRequestTypeKey
The purchase request type key
Public field Static member PurchaseRequestTypeKeyPrefix
The purchase request type key prefix
Public field Static member RepliableEmailSubjectLine
The repliable email subject line
Public field Static member RequestAlias
The request alias
Public field Static member RequestDetailandApprovalLinkURLParameter
The request detailand approval link URL parameter
Public field Static member RequestDetailandApprovalTIDLinkURLParameter
The request detailand approval tid link URL parameter
Public field Static member RequestTypeAlias
The request type alias
Public field Static member RTF_BOLDFONT
The rt f_ boldfont
Public field Static member RTF_BOLDROW
The rt f_ boldrow
Public field Static member RTF_CELL
The rt f_ cell
Public field Static member RTF_DEFAULTDISABLEFONT
The rt f_ defaultdisablefont
Public field Static member RTF_DEFAULTFONT
The rt f_ defaultfont
Public field Static member RTF_ENDFILE
The rt f_ endfile
Public field Static member RTF_ENDPAR
The rt f_ endpar
Public field Static member RTF_HEADER
The rt f_ header
Public field Static member RTF_HiddenFONT
The rt f_ hidden font
Public field Static member RTF_HyperLinkFONT
The rt f_ hyper link font
Public field Static member RTF_HyperLinkRED
The rt f_ hyper link red
Public field Static member RTF_NORMALROW
The rt f_ normalrow
Public field Static member RTF_NTERMINATEDROWDEF
The rt f_ nterminatedrowdef
Public field Static member RTF_PDEF
The rt f_ pdef
Public field Static member RTF_RESETPARAGRAPH
The rt f_ resetparagraph
Public field Static member RTF_SpecialCompanyChar
The rt f_ special company character
Public field Static member RTF_SpecialUDFHyperLinkEnclosure
The rt f_ special udf hyper link enclosure
Public field Static member RTF_TAB
The rt f_ tab
Public field Static member RTF_TERMINATEDROWDEF
The rt f_ terminatedrowdef
Public field Static member RTF_TOPBORDERROW
The rt f_ topborderrow
Public field Static member RuleSeparater
The rule separater
Public field Static member RuleTraceStart
The rule trace start
Public field Static member ScreenSharingClientEndUserSetup
The screen sharing client end user setup
Public field Static member ScreenSharingClientSetup
The screen sharing client setup
Public field Static member ServiceRequestGridImage
The service request grid image
Public field Static member ServiceRequestGridSelectedImage
The service request grid selected image
Public field Static member ServiceRequestKey
The service request key
Public field Static member ServiceRequestSurvey_TRACE
The service request survey trace
Public field Static member ServiceRequestType_TRACE
The service request type_ trace
Public field Static member ServiceRequestTypeFolderImage
The service request type folder image
Public field Static member ServiceRequestTypeFolderSelectedImage
The service request type folder selected image
Public field Static member ServiceRequestTypeImage
The service request type image
Public field Static member ServiceRequestTypeKey
The service request type key
Public field Static member ServiceRequestTypeKeyPrefix
The service request type key prefix
Public field Static member ServiceRequestTypeSelectedImage
The service request type selected image
Public field Static member SessionDataFile
The session data file
Public field Static member SRSLable
The SRS lable
Public field Static member SSO_ADFS_Provider_Id
Public field Static member SSO_ADFS_Provider_Name
Public field Static member SSO_OneLogin_Provider_Id
Public field Static member SSO_OneLogin_Provider_Name
Public field Static member StandardAsset
The standard asset
Public field Static member StandardPurchase
The standard purchase
Public field Static member StandardRequest
The standard request
Public field Static member StandardSolution
The standard solution
Public field Static member STARWATCHID
The starwatchid
Public field Static member SuggestedSolutionLinkURLParameter
The suggested solution link URL parameter
Public field Static member SystemOptionsIsShowBusinessRuleToAdminOnlyOnActivityStream
Public field Static member SystemOptionsIsShowStarwatchToAdminOnlyOnActivityStream
Public field Static member TerminalDoAction
The terminal do action
Public field Static member TerminalSaveData
The terminal save data
Public field Static member TerminalStatus
The terminal status
Public field Static member TerminalUserPrefix
The terminal user prefix
Public field Static member TIMEDIFFERENCE_TO_IGNORE
The timedifferenc e_ t o_ ignore
Public field Static member TKDecryptLicFile
The tk decrypt lic file
Public field Static member TM_Reg_Key
The t m_ reg_ key
Public field Static member UnitCookieName
Public field Static member UnitInHour
The unit in hour
Public field Static member UnitInMinute
The unit in minute
Public field Static member UnlimitedLicense
The unlimited license
Public field Static member USERDELETEDID
The userdeletedid
Public field Static member WCFMAXRETRY
The wcfmaxretry
Public field Static member WebAppCopyright
Public field Static member WebAppLicensedOwner
Public field Static member WebAppTitle
Public field Static member WebAppUserProfile
Public field Static member WebAppUserSessionKey
Used in Web application to store session in HTTP Session