ServicePRO SDK Help

stcAttendee Properties

The stcAttendee type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Action
Gets or sets the action.
Public property Address
Gets or sets the address.
Public property AttendeeType
Gets or sets the type of the attendee.
Public property bProposed
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [b proposed].
Public property bVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [b visible].
Public property globalAppointmentId
Gets or sets the global appointment identifier.
Public property Id
Gets or sets the identifier.
Public property index
Gets or sets the index.
Public property lastModificationTime
Gets or sets the last modification time.
Public property MeetingStatus
Gets or sets the meeting status.
Public property Name
Gets or sets the name.
Public property originalDate
Gets or sets the original date.
Public property outlookEntryId
Gets or sets the outlook entry identifier.
Public property ProposeEndTime
Gets or sets the propose end time.
Public property ProposeStartTime
Gets or sets the propose start time.