ServicePRO SDK Help

stcAppointment Members

The stcAppointment type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method stcAppointment
Initializes a new instance of the stcAppointment class.


  Name Description
Public method Clone
Clones this instance.


  Name Description
Public property allAttendees
Gets or sets all attendees.
Public property bFromNewUpdateRequest
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [b from new update request].
Public property bInvite
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [b invite].
Public property bOrganizerDotInSync
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [b organizer dot in synchronize].
Public property busyStatus
Gets or sets the busy status.
Public property bWaitingForSaving
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [b waiting for saving].
Public property creater
Gets or sets the creater.
Public property createrId
Gets or sets the creater identifier.
Public property DisplayRecurrenceMode
Gets or sets the display recurrence mode.
Public property duration
Gets or sets the duration.
Public property endTime
Gets or sets the end time.
Public property formattedMemo
Gets or sets the formatted memo.
Public property globalAppointmentId
Gets or sets the global appointment identifier.
Public property id
Gets or sets the identifier.
Public property indexOfCurrentUser
Gets or sets the index of current user.
Public property isAllDayEvent
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is all day event.
Public property isInactive
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is inactive.
Public property isPrivate
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is private.
Public property isRecurrence
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is recurrence.
Public property isReminderSet
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is reminder set.
Public property lastEndTime
Gets or sets the last end time.
Public property lastModificationTime
Gets or sets the last modification time.
Public property lastStartTime
Gets or sets the last start time.
Public property mappingRequestFieldType
Gets or sets the type of the mapping request field.
Public property mappingRequestId
Gets or sets the mapping request identifier.
Public property meetingId
Gets or sets the meeting identifier.
Public property meetingStatus
Gets or sets the meeting status.
Public property memo
Gets or sets the memo.
Public property memoOwnerId
Gets or sets the memo owner identifier.
Public property newAttendees
Gets or sets the new attendees.
Public property newResource
Gets or sets the new resource.
Public property objectId
Gets or sets the object identifier.
Public property objectType
Gets or sets the type of the object.
Public property organizer
Gets or sets the organizer.
Public property organizerId
Gets or sets the organizer identifier.
Public property originalDate
Gets or sets the original date.
Public property outlookEntryId
Gets or sets the outlook entry identifier.
Public property priority
Gets or sets the priority.
Public property Recepients
Gets or sets the recepients.
Public property recurrenceId
Gets or sets the recurrence identifier.
Public property recurrenceIndex
Gets or sets the index of the recurrence.
Public property RecurrenceState
Gets or sets the state of the recurrence.
Public property remindTime
Gets or sets the remind time.
Public property RequiredAttendees
Gets or sets the required attendees.
Public property resource
Gets or sets the resource.
Public property ResponseStatus
Gets or sets the response status.
Public property schedule
Gets or sets the schedule.
Public property startTime
Gets or sets the start time.
Public property subject
Gets or sets the subject.
Public property threadId
Gets or sets the thread identifier.
Public property userId
Gets or sets the user identifier.
Public property userName
Gets or sets the name of the user.