ServicePRO SDK Help

stcCustomReport Members

The stcCustomReport type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Init
Initializes this instance.


  Name Description
Public property AllApplicableUDFs
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [all applicable ud fs].
Public property AlphaFrom
Gets or sets the alpha from.
Public property AlphaTo
Gets or sets the alpha to.
Public property AlphaType
Gets or sets the type of the alpha.
Public property BaseCustomReport
Gets or sets the base custom report.
Public property BaseReport
Gets or sets the base report.
Public property CoSelect
Gets or sets the co select.
Public property CreatorID
Gets or sets the creator identifier.
Public property DateFrom
Gets or sets the date from.
Public property Daterange
Gets or sets the daterange.
Public property DateTo
Gets or sets the date to.
Public property DeptSelect
Gets or sets the dept select.
Public property DisplayPageNumbers
Gets or sets the display page numbers.
Public property DisplayPreparationDate
Gets or sets the display preparation date.
Public property FilterID
Gets or sets the filter identifier.
Public property FilterType
Gets or sets the type of the filter.
Public property Footer
Gets or sets the footer.
Public property GroupSortKey1
Gets or sets the group sort key1.
Public property GroupSortKey2
Gets or sets the group sort key2.
Public property GroupSortKey3
Gets or sets the group sort key3.
Public property Header1
Gets or sets the header1.
Public property Header2
Gets or sets the header2.
Public property Header3
Gets or sets the header3.
Public property HF1Default
Gets or sets the h f1 default.
Public property HF2Default
Gets or sets the h f2 default.
Public property HF3Default
Gets or sets the h f3 default.
Public property HF4Default
Gets or sets the h f4 default.
Public property ID
Gets or sets the identifier.
Public property IncludeRequests
Gets or sets the include requests.
Public property IsPublic
Gets or sets the is public.
Public property IsStandard
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is standard.
Public property MemoHandling
Gets or sets the memo handling.
Public property PageBreak1
Gets or sets the page break1.
Public property PageBreak2
Gets or sets the page break2.
Public property PageBreak3
Gets or sets the page break3.
Public property PrioritySelect
Gets or sets the priority select.
Public property ProbTypeSelect
Gets or sets the prob type select.
Public property QualitySelect
Gets or sets the quality select.
Public property QueueSelect
Gets or sets the queue select.
Public property RecurrenceId
Gets or sets the recurrence identifier.
Public property ReportName
Gets or sets the name of the report.
Public property RepSelect
Gets or sets the rep select.
Public property Schedule
Gets or sets the schedule.
Public property SortDescending1
Gets or sets the sort descending1.
Public property SortDescending2
Gets or sets the sort descending2.
Public property SortDescending3
Gets or sets the sort descending3.
Public property StatusSelect
Gets or sets the status select.
Public property stdReportType
Gets or sets the type of the standard report.
Public property strSelectedUDFIDs
Gets or sets the string selected udfi ds.
Public property strUDFIDs
Gets or sets the string udfi ds.
Public property TaskScheduled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [task scheduled].
Public property TimeFrame
Gets or sets the time frame.
Public property TimeLinessSelect
Gets or sets the time liness select.
Public property txtFieldList
Gets or sets the text field list.
Public property UserSelect
Gets or sets the user select.