ServicePRO SDK Help

stcCompany Properties

The stcCompany type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property BolTrkHelpUpdate
Not in Use
Public property CurShippingCost
Indicates the shipping cost of the company
When adding new company it sets default to 0.0
Public property Id
ID of the company to be created.
Not required when creating new Company.
Required when performing Edit/View/Delete/De-Activate/Re-store Company.
Public property InActive
Specifies if the company is retired or not.
When adding a new company it adds a default value as 0.
0: Not Retired
-1: Retired
Public property InActiveDate
Specifies the date time value of when the company was retired.
When adding a new company it adds a default value as NULL.
Public property lngCoPriority
When adding a new company it adds 0 by Default.
Not In Use
Public property LngOptions
When adding a new company it adds 0 by Default.
If LngOptions is set to 1 then only ShippingVia, Terms,ShippingCost is referred to.
Public property Name
Name of the company to be created.
Required when adding a new company and when performing Edit/View/Delete/De-Activate/Re-store Company.
Public property ObjectTypeDatabaseID
Not in use
Public property ObjectTypeName
Not in use
Public property ShippingVia
Not in use
Public property strCity
Specifies the City for the company
When adding a new company it adds NULL by Default.
Public property strCode
Specifies the Postal Code for the company
When adding a new company it adds NULL by Default.
Public property strCountry
Specifies the Country for the company
When adding a new company it adds NULL by Default.
Public property strFax
Specifies the Fax for the company
When adding a new company it adds NULL by Default.
Public property strMemo
Specifies the memo for the specific company.
When adding a new company it adds NULL by default.
Public property strState
Specifies the State or province for the company
When adding a new company it adds NULL by Default.
Public property strStreet1
Specifies the Street Address 1 for the company
When adding a new company it adds NULL by Default.
Public property strStreet2
Specifies the Street Address 2 for the company
When adding a new company it adds NULL by Default.
Public property strTelephone
Specifies the Telephone contact for the company
When adding a new company it adds NULL by Default.
Public property Terms
Indicates the term set by the company