New Asset


HelpSTAR allows the ability to add and manage assets that can be attached to users or departments.  This section allows you to create a new asset.  Once created, the asset can be allocated to Inventory, or to a User, Company, or Department using the form shown below.




1. General Information:














The new window will be populated with a new line item for each asset. You can double-click on each line item to edit the information that needs to be changed (i.e. Serial No., Allocation, etc).  A drop-down panel will be displayed to enable you to edit the existing values, as shown below.



When making changes, ensure you click Save in the (drop down panel) for each line item otherwise the changes you made will not be saved when you click off of the line item.



2. Memo:



Enter any additional information which you deem important regarding this asset.


See Also:

Manage Existing Assets

Asset Properties

Add New Products

Manage Existing Products

Re-Activate an Asset

Asset Explorer

Asset History