ServicePRO SDK Help

stcHDTCConstant Properties

The stcHDTCConstant type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property HS_Access_Code
Gets or sets the h s_ access_ code.
Public property HS_AUDIT_SERVICE
Gets or sets the h s_ audi t_ service.
Gets or sets the h s_ audi t_ servic e_ client.
Public property HS_ChangeODBC_NTService
Gets or sets the h s_ change odb c_ nt service.
Public property HS_DatabaseType
Gets or sets the type of the h s_ database.
Public property HS_DBUTIL_INSTALL
Gets or sets the h s_ dbuti l_ install.
Public property HS_Default_User
Gets or sets the h s_ default_ user.
Public property HS_Default_UserPWD
Gets or sets the h s_ default_ user password.
Public property HS_DetProcess_Name
Gets or sets the name of the h s_ det process_.
Public property HS_EDITION_CODE
Gets or sets the h s_ editio n_ code.
Public property HS_Evaluation_value
Gets or sets the h s_ evaluation_value.
Public property HS_How_ToDemo
Gets or sets the h s_ how_ to demo.
Public property HS_Product_ABR
Gets or sets the h s_ product_ abr.
Public property HS_Product_File
Gets or sets the h s_ product_ file.
Public property HS_Product_Name
Gets or sets the name of the h s_ product_.
Public property HS_Product_WFile
Gets or sets the h s_ product_ w file.
Public property HS_ProductString
Gets or sets the h s_ product string.
Public property HS_RULE_SERVICE
Gets or sets the h s_ rul e_ service.
Public property HS_Session_Name
Gets or sets the name of the h s_ session_.
Public property HS_Setup_INI
Gets or sets the h s_ setup_ ini.
Public property HS_STARWATCH
Gets or sets the h s_ starwatch.
Gets or sets the h s_ starwatc h_ service.
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ crystaldesigner.
Public property HS_UTIL_HDIDSVR
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ hdidsvr.
Public property HS_UTIL_IMPORT
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ import.
Public property HS_UTIL_IMPORT_INI
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ impor t_ ini.
Public property HS_UTIL_IMPORT_LOG
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ impor t_ log.
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ maintenance.
Public property HS_UTIL_OLDVBR
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ oldvbr.
Public property HS_UTIL_RULE
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ rule.
Public property HS_UTIL_Rule_UPGRADE
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ rule_ upgrade.
Public property HS_UTIL_SQLDBCFG
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ SQLDBCFG.
Public property HS_UTIL_STARTUP
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ startup.
Public property HS_UTIL_STARWATCH
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ starwatch.
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ starwatc h_ upgrade.
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ starwatchinterface.
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ starwatchservice.
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ starwatchservic e_ DLL.
Public property HS_UTIL_UPGRADE
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ upgrade.
Public property HS_UTIL_VBR
Gets or sets the h s_ uti l_ VBR.
Public property HS_WKSSetup
Gets or sets the h s_ WKS setup.
Public property WebAppCopyright
Gets or sets ServicePRO Unity Copyright details
Public property WebAppTitle
Gets or sets ServicePRO Unity title
Public property WebPageTitlePrefix